#!/bin/sh -e export BUILD_ZLIB=0 export BUILD_BZIP2=0 export LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -pthread" export CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -DNO_POSIX_2008_LOCALE -D_GNU_SOURCE" ./Configure \ -des \ -Dprefix=/usr \ -Dvendorprefix=/usr \ -Dusevendorprefix \ -Duseshrplib \ -Dusesoname \ -Dusethreads \ -Dinc_version_list=none \ -Dd_sockaddr_in6=define \ -Dcccdlflags=-fPIC \ -Dccflags="$CFLAGS" \ -Dlddlflags="-shared $LDFLAGS" \ -Dldflags="$LDFLAGS" \ -Doptimize="-Wall $CFLAGS" \ -Dcc="${CC:-gcc}" \ -Dar="${AR:-ar}" \ -Dnm="${NM:-nm}" \ -Dranlib="${RANLIB:-ranlib}" \ -Dperl_static_inline="static __inline__" \ -Dd_static_inline make make DESTDIR="$1" install # Remove all unneeded files. find "$1" \( \ -name '*.pod' -o \ -name .packlist -o \ -name README\* -o \ -name TODO\* -o \ -name Change\* -o \ -name \*.bs -o \ -name \*.0 \) -type f -exec rm -f -- {} + # Fix permissions. find "$1/usr/lib" -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \; # This is the first time ever that I'm removing the manual pages from a package, # but perl install hundreds of manual pages and they are over 20MBs total. rm -rf "$1/usr/share/man"