#!/bin/sh -e

sed_i() {
    for file; do :; done
    sed "$@" > _
    cat _ > "$file"; rm -f _

# Enable the use of openjpeg if the package is installed.
cpt-list openjpeg2 >/dev/null 2>&1 && jpeg=ON

# Enable webcrypto if libtasn1 is installed.
cpt-list libtasn1 >/dev/null 2>&1 && libtasn=ON

# Remove gettext requirement.
sed_i 's/ngettext/printf/g' Tools/MiniBrowser/gtk/BrowserDownloadsBar.c
sed_i '/po_files \*\.po/d'  Source/WebCore/platform/gtk/po/CMakeLists.txt
sed_i '/^GETTEXT_C/d'       Source/WebCore/platform/gtk/po/CMakeLists.txt

# Fix clang build.
sed -i '/LC_ALL/d'       Source/JavaScriptCore/jsc.cpp
sed -i '/WTFLogAlways/d' Source/JavaScriptCore/jsc.cpp

export DESTDIR="$1"

# Webkit's CMake configuration forces color output using clang-specific flags
# when using Ninja as the CMAKE_GENERATOR. We should disable them.
sed_i s,-fcolor-diagnostics,, Source/cmake/WebKitCompilerFlags.cmake

cmake -B build \
    -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
    -DLIB_INSTALL_DIR=/usr/lib \
    -DPORT=GTK \
    -DUSE_OPENJPEG=${jpeg:-OFF} \
    -DENABLE_WEB_CRYPTO=${libtasn:-OFF} \

cmake --build   build
cmake --install build