path: root/src/docs/Packaging-System.html
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authorCem Keylan <cem@ckyln.com>2020-09-09 17:51:04 +0300
committerCem Keylan <cem@ckyln.com>2020-09-09 17:51:04 +0300
commit40eb4e45d48337dfcd748540fe25c5eb684e911d (patch)
treeace09ab95aa39f35527c326127a056a8386b6c55 /src/docs/Packaging-System.html
parent77268def84b011969c62bbb1432c79de62656009 (diff)
Install docs
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+<span id="Packaging-System"></span><div class="header">
+Next: <a href="Rsync-Repositories.html" accesskey="n" rel="next">Rsync Repositories</a>, Previous: <a href="Usage.html" accesskey="p" rel="prev">Usage</a>, Up: <a href="Package-Manager.html" accesskey="u" rel="up">Package Manager</a> &nbsp; </p>
+<span id="Packaging-System-1"></span><h3 class="section">2.2 Packaging System</h3>
+<p>A package is formed of several files, these are:
+<li> <samp>build</samp>
+</li><li> <samp>sources</samp>
+</li><li> <samp>checksums</samp>
+</li><li> <samp>version</samp>
+</li><li> <samp>depends</samp>
+</li><li> <samp>post-install</samp>
+</li><li> <samp>message</samp>
+</li><li> <samp>test</samp>
+<p>Any other file can be added to the package directory at the discretion of the
+package maintainer. Everything in the package directory will also be added to the
+package database that is located on &rsquo;/var/db/cpt/installed&rsquo;. These can be
+patches, configuration files, etc.
+<span id="build"></span><h4 class="subsection">2.2.1 <samp>build</samp></h4>
+<p>Typically <samp>build</samp> files are shell scripts that run commands to prepare the source
+code to be installed on the target system. Even though we will be assuming that
+the <samp>build</samp> file is a POSIX shell script (for portability&rsquo;s sake), <samp>build</samp>
+files can be any executable program from binary programs to <code>perl</code> scripts.
+<p>The contents of a build script do not need to follow a certain rule for the
+package manager, except for the fact that the user needs the permission to
+execute the file.
+<p>An important advice is to append an &rsquo;-e&rsquo; to the shebang (#!/bin/sh -e) so that
+the build script exits on compilation error.
+<p>Build is run with three arguments (<code>$#</code>)
+<li> Location of the package directory (DESTDIR)
+</li><li> Package version
+</li><li> System architecture
+<span id="sources"></span><h4 class="subsection">2.2.2 <samp>sources</samp></h4>
+<p><samp>sources</samp> file is a list of files and sources that will be put to the build
+directory during the build process. Those can be remote sources (such as tarballs),
+git repositories, and files that reside on the package directory.
+<p>The syntax is pretty simple for the <samp>soures</samp> file; <tt>src dest</tt>. The
+<code>dest</code> parameter is optional. It is the directory that the source will be
+placed in. Here is the <samp>sources</samp> file for the <code>gst-plugins</code> package:
+<div class="example">
+<pre class="example">https://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/src/gst-plugins-good/gst-plugins-good-1.16.2.tar.xz good
+https://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/src/gst-plugins-bad/gst-plugins-bad-1.16.2.tar.xz bad
+https://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/src/gst-plugins-ugly/gst-plugins-ugly-1.16.2.tar.xz ugly
+https://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/src/gst-libav/gst-libav-1.16.2.tar.xz libav
+<p>This file is read from the package manager as space seperated. Files that begin
+with a &rsquo;#&rsquo; comment are ignored. The first value points to the location of the
+<p>If it starts with a protcol url, (such as ftp:// http:// https://) it will be
+downloaded with <code>curl</code>.
+<p>If the source is a git repository, it shall be prefixed with a <tt>git+</tt> git(1) will
+be used to do a shallow clone of the repository. If the commit is suffixed by a
+history pointer, git will checkout the relevant revision. So,
+<div class="example">
+<pre class="example">git+git://example.com/pub/repo#v1.2.3 will checkout the tag named 'v1.2.3'
+git+git://example.com/pub/repo#development will checkout the branch named 'development'
+git+git://example.com/pub/repo#1a314s87 will checkout the commit named '1a314s87'
+<p>Other files are assumed to be residing in the package directory. They should be
+added with their paths relative to the package directory.
+<span id="checksums"></span><h4 class="subsection">2.2.3 <samp>checksums</samp></h4>
+<p>checksums file is generated by the <samp>cpt c pkg command</samp>. It is generated
+according to the order of the sources file. That&rsquo;s why you shouldn&rsquo;t be editing
+it manually. The checksums file is created with the digests of the files using
+the sha256 algorithm.
+<span id="version"></span><h4 class="subsection">2.2.4 <samp>version</samp></h4>
+<p>The version file includes the version of the software and the release number of
+of the package on a space seperated format. The contents of the file should look
+like below.
+<div class="example">
+<pre class="example">1.3.2 1
+<p>The version should always match to the number of the upstream release. For
+drastic changes that require a rebuild Those can be,
+<li> update of libraries that forces the package to be relinked
+</li><li> change in the build scripts that affect the output of the package
+<p>When a version bump occurs, the release should be reset to 1.
+<span id="depends"></span><h4 class="subsection">2.2.5 <samp>depends</samp></h4>
+<p>This is a list of dependencies that must be installed before a package build. You
+can append &ldquo;make&rdquo; after a dependency to mark a package is only required during
+the build process of a package. Packages marked as a make dependency can be
+removed after the build. There are also &ldquo;test&rdquo; dependencies. These dependencies
+are only installed if either the <code>CPT_TEST</code> is set to 1, or the build is run
+with the <samp>-t</samp> or <samp>--test</samp> options. So, a package package could have
+the following <samp>depends</samp> file:
+<div class="example">
+<pre class="example">linux-headers make
+python test
+<span id="post_002dinstall"></span><h4 class="subsection">2.2.6 <samp>post-install</samp></h4>
+<p><samp>post-install</samp> files have the same requirements as the build script. They
+will be run after the package is installed as root (or as the user if the user
+has write permissions on <code>CPT_ROOT</code>).
+<span id="message"></span><h4 class="subsection">2.2.7 <samp>message</samp></h4>
+<p>This plaintext file will be outputted with <code>cat</code> after every package is
+<span id="test"></span><h4 class="subsection">2.2.8 <samp>test</samp></h4>
+<p>Test files are mainly for the repository maintainer to test the packages, and
+will only run if the user has the <code>CPT_TEST</code> variable set, or the build is
+run with the <samp>-t</samp> or <samp>--test</samp> options. This script is run on the
+build directory. It is run right after the build script is finished.
+<div class="header">
+Next: <a href="Rsync-Repositories.html" accesskey="n" rel="next">Rsync Repositories</a>, Previous: <a href="Usage.html" accesskey="p" rel="prev">Usage</a>, Up: <a href="Package-Manager.html" accesskey="u" rel="up">Package Manager</a> &nbsp; </p>