path: root/content/_index.org
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'content/_index.org')
1 files changed, 65 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/content/_index.org b/content/_index.org
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cbc838f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/_index.org
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+#+TITLE: Home
+#+DESCRIPTION: a simple Linux distribution
+#+OPTIONS: title:nil
+Carbs Linux is a source-based Linux\reg distribution that aims to be simple,
+flexible and extensible while staying as pragmatic and practical as possible.
+The system can consist of as much or as little as its user can intend to.
+* Package Manager
+:CUSTOM_ID: package-manager
+Carbs Linux uses its own package manager [[https://fossil.carbslinux.org/cpt][Carbs Packaging Tools]], a POSIX shell
+package manager forked from [[https://github.com/kisslinux/kiss][KISS]] with the tool-based approach of [[https://github.com/void-linux/xbps][xbps]]. Its aim
+is to deliver easy-to-use tools while also providing a powerful POSIX shell
+library that can be used to further extend and script the packaging system.
+* Small base
+:CUSTOM_ID: small-base
+By default, Carbs Linux comes with busybox for coreutils, libressl for its
+crypto library, musl libc, and other basic utilities that are required for
+building new software. The majority of the base packages are statically linked.
+* Multiple Init Support
+:CUSTOM_ID: multiple-init-support
+Carbs Linux has support for multiple init systems and service supervisors. In
+the main repository are
+- {{< pkg "core/sinit" >}}
+- {{< pkg "extra/shinit" >}}
+- {{< pkg "core/busybox" "busybox-init" >}}
+- {{< pkg "core/runit" "runit-init" >}}
+for init systems, and
+- {{< pkg "core/sysmgr" >}}
+- {{< pkg "core/busybox" "busybox-runit" >}}
+- {{< pkg "core/runit" >}}
+for service supervisors. The {{< pkg "core/carbs-init" >}} package is the collection of init
+scripts that ensure the interoperability of these init and service systems, and
+make it easier for the user to switch to their preferred combinations of system
+Nothing holds you back, however, from ditching any of these and packaging some
+other system supervision technique along with your own init scripts.
+* Links
+:CUSTOM_ID: links
+- IRC - =#carbslinux= on libera.chat
+- Reddit - [[https://reddit.com/r/carbslinux][r/carbslinux]]
+- [[file:mailing-lists.org][Mailing Lists]]