path: root/src/docs/Changing-Init-Program.html
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+<span id="Changing-Init-Program"></span><div class="header">
+Previous: <a href="Configuring-Init.html" accesskey="p" rel="prev">Configuring Init</a>, Up: <a href="Init-System.html" accesskey="u" rel="up">Init System</a> &nbsp; </p>
+<span id="Changing-Init-Program-1"></span><h3 class="section">3.2 Changing Init Program</h3>
+<p>By default, Carbs Linux comes preinstalled with <code>busybox-init</code>, but this
+can easily be replaced without any issues. Currently, available init systems are:
+<li> sinit
+</li><li> busybox
+</li><li> runit
+</li><li> shinit
+<p>This example is for runit, but it will work with all init systems packaged in the
+distribution repositories. See <a href="cpt_002dalternatives.html"><code>cpt-alternatives</code></a>
+<div class="example">
+<pre class="example">$ cpt a runit /usr/bin/init
+$ cpt a runit /usr/bin/poweroff
+$ cpt a runit /usr/bin/reboot
+<span id="Rebooting-after-changing-Init"></span><h4 class="subsection">3.2.1 Rebooting after changing Init</h4>
+<p>After switching init systems, your running init system may not accept the
+new poweroff commands. You will need to reboot/poweroff using the running init&rsquo;s
+utilities for the new utilities to work. These commands are for the init system
+currently running on your system and not the one you are switching to.
+<dl compact="compact">
+<dd><p><code>$ busybox reboot</code>
+<dd><p><code>$ runit-init 6</code>
+<dd><p><code>$ kill -s INT 1</code>