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1.1 Preparing Environment

To install Carbs Linux, you will need a Live Linux ISO. For that purpose, you can obtain a Gentoo or Void Linux live image. You can follow their instructions to boot and setup your network.

You will need the following programs in order to install Carbs Linux:

Rest of these instructions will assume that you have set all of these up, and will continue on that point.

1.1.1 Download

First, we need to download the rootfs tarball. You can do the following in order to obtain the rootfs. If you are using an i686 machine, replace the x86_64 with i686. We are setting this in a URL variable so that we don’t have to write it every time.

$ URL=
$ wget $URL/carbs-rootfs.tar.xz

We can then check the integrity of the tarball and do a signature verification. Even thought these are optional, they are highly recommended.

1.1.2 Check the integrity of the tarball (Recommended)

All of the releases are saved in a single file named sha256sums.txt, but the latest release is saved on carbs-rootfs.tar.xz.sha256. You can acquire and verify the tarball.

$ wget $URL/carbs-rootfs.tar.xz.sha256
$ sha256sum -c carbs-rootfs.tar.xz.sha256

1.1.3 Verify the signature

It is highly recommended to verify the signature of the tarball. You will need GPG for this.

$ wget $URL/carbs-rootfs.tar.xz.sig
$ gpg --recv-keys FF484BDFEFCEF8FF
$ gpg --verify carbs-rootfs.tar.xz.sig

1.1.4 Extracting the tarball

You will need to extract the tarball to your desired location. For partitioning, you can follow this guide. This will assume that you will be mounting your root partition to /mnt.

$ mount /dev/sdx1 /mnt
$ tar xf carbs-rootfs.tar.xz -C /mnt

1.1.5 Obtain the chroot helper

You can obtain the cpt-chroot script in order to do a simple chroot into your new root filesystem.

$ wget
$ chmod a+x cpt-chroot

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