Next: Environment Variables, Up: Package Manager [Contents]
is formed of many tools combined in a single environment, similar
to git
. When you run cpt
without any arguments, it will show
all available tools and their explanations. Here is an example call with extra
scripts on my system:
-> Carbs Packaging Tool -> add Commit the current directory as a new package -> alternatives List and swap to alternatives -> build Build a package -> bump Commit the current directory as a version bump -> cargo-urlgen Create static cargo sources for Rust packages -> cargolock-urlgen Convert the given Cargo.lock file to sources -> cat Concatanate package files in the installed package database -> changelog Print the git log of the specific package -> chbuild Create/destroy temporary chroots -> checkmissing Verify package manifests -> checksum Generate checksums -> chroot Enter a chroot -> commit Commit a package without the prefix of 'package:' -> depends Display a package's dependencies -> download Download sources for the given package -> exec Execute a command inside the alternatives system -> export Turn an installed package into a CPT tarball -> fetch Fetch repositories -> fork Fork a package to the current directory -> getchoice Prints the full path to a file in the alternatives system. -> install Install a package -> link Link a forked package's files to the other repository -> list List installed packages -> maintainer Find the maintainer of a package -> manifest Display all files owned by a package -> manifest-tree Display all files owned by a package with a tree view -> new Create a boilerplate CPT package -> orphans List orphaned packages -> owns Check which package owns a file -> rel Bump the release number of a package -> remove Remove a package -> repodepends Display a package's dependencies in the repository -> reporevdepends Display packages on the repository which depend on package -> reset Remove all packages except for the base -> revdepends Display packages which depend on package -> search Search for a package -> size Show the size on disk for a package -> source Extract sources of a given package to the current directory -> update Check for updates
• cpt-alternatives | ||
• cpt-build | ||
• cpt-checksum | ||
• cpt-download | ||
• cpt-fetch | ||
• cpt-install | ||
• cpt-list | ||
• cpt-remove | ||
• cpt-search | ||
• cpt-update |
Next: Environment Variables, Up: Package Manager [Contents]