Carbs Linux a simple linux distribution Mon Sep 14 2020 17:00 Sep 03 2020 Thu, 03 Sep 2020 Cem Keylan <h2>Sep 03 2020</h2> <p>The default TLS provider has been reverted to &lsquo;libressl&rsquo;. System update will replace bearssl dependencies with libressl. You may choose to keep or remove bearssl after the update</p> Jul 27 2020 Mon, 27 Jul 2020 Cem Keylan <h2>Jul 27 2020</h2> <p>Carbs Linux&rsquo;s fork of the <code>kiss</code> package manager has been renamed to <code>Carbs Packaging Tools</code> due to huge amount of changes. Your latest <code>kiss</code> update will handle the bootstrapping. You will need to rename your <code>KISS-*</code> variables to <code>CPT-*</code></p> Jun 17 2020 Wed, 17 Jun 2020 Cem Keylan <h2>Jun 17 2020</h2> <p>A new rootfs tarball including the changes to the core is released and can be found on the downloads page.</p> May 26 2020 Tue, 26 May 2020 Cem Keylan <h2>May 26 2020</h2> <p>An initial version for binary package management is released. It can be found on the <a href="">GitHub page</a>.</p> May 19 2020 Tue, 19 May 2020 Cem Keylan <h2>May 19 2020</h2> <p>A rootfs tarball targeting the i686 architecture has been released. It can be found on the <a href="">downloads page</a></p> May 10 2020 Sun, 10 May 2020 Cem Keylan <h2>May 10 2020</h2> <p>A GCC 10.1.0 change causes a kernel panic for kernels built with GCC 10.1. This issue can be resolved by applying this <a href="">patch</a> to your kernel sources.</p> Apr 27 2020 Mon, 27 Apr 2020 Cem Keylan <h2>Apr 27 2020</h2> <p>A new rootfs tarball has been released! You can see it on <a href=""></a>!</p> <p><strong>EDIT:</strong> A new bug fix release has been made.</p> Apr 10 2020 Fri, 10 Apr 2020 Cem Keylan <h2>Apr 10 2020</h2> <p>IRC channel can now be accessed from <code>#carbslinux</code> at freenode!</p> Apr 06 2020 Mon, 06 Apr 2020 Cem Keylan <h2>Apr 06 2020</h2> <p>A new rootfs tarball has been released. See the <a href="">downloads</a> page</p> Apr 05 2020 Sun, 05 Apr 2020 Cem Keylan <h2>Apr 05 2020</h2> <p>Carbs Linux repositories will be hosted only on Github. Commits will be pushed there, and not the repository. You have until May 4, 2020 Monday to switch your remotes to <a href=""></a>. The git repository will continue to be served until then (without additional commits).</p> <p>You can switch your remote by executing the following command on your repository directory.</p> <pre><code>git remote set-url origin </code></pre> Feb 18 2020 Tue, 18 Feb 2020 Cem Keylan <h2>Feb 18 2020</h2> <p>A new tarball is released. It can be found on <a href=""></a>.</p> <p><strong>edit:</strong> I have removed the tarball because of a bootstrapping issue. I will be re-adding it later today.</p> <p><strong>edit 2:</strong> I have added a tarball (20200219) to reflect my recent changes on Busybox.</p> Feb 14 2020 Fri, 14 Feb 2020 Cem Keylan <h2>Feb 14 2020</h2> <p><strong>IMPORTANT!</strong> Carbs-init update to be released on 17th of February will require manual intervention. I am holding this update back so people can see it before they update their system (even though the update will show the same message as this). The rationale for the update is explained below the intervention.</p> <pre><code># There is an explanation for each init # You only need to follow the instructions # for your own init-system ## busybox-init # If you did not edit your inittab simply # move to inittab -&gt; mv /etc/ /etc/inittab # If you did edit your inittab you can use # a simple sed command to remove the necessary lines -&gt; sed -i '/getty/d;/runsvdir/d' /etc/inittab ## runit # same as busybox-init, if you did not edit # /etc/runit/2 move to 2 -&gt; mv /etc/runit/ /etc/runit/2 # else -&gt; vim /etc/runit/2 # open your 2 file and remove the for loop containing # getty commands. If you are using runit, it is recommended # to comment out /etc/init/runit.boot ## sinit/minit # If you did not edit your {sinit-,}launch-services.boot # you can simply remove it. -&gt; rm -f /etc/init/launch-services.boot /etc/init/sinit-launch-services.boot # This should leave you without any issues, and you can safely reboot. </code></pre> <p>Carbs-init update is to make sure init systems do not clash, and do not have to use different files. This is a sensible update both for the user user and for the maintainer side.</p> <p>To give an example, before this update busybox-init was managing getty through <code>inittab</code>, runit was managing through <code>/etc/runit/2</code>, and minit/sinit were launching from <code>/etc/init/launch-services.boot</code>. This is a configuration nightmare for everyone, and since I am maintaining and constantly testing those init providers, a huge nightmare for me. This is a Quality of Life update.</p> Feb 13 2020 Thu, 13 Feb 2020 Cem Keylan <h2>Feb 13 2020</h2> <p>Runit is now released on the core repository! You can now replace busybox-init with runit-init. You can also replace the busybox runit utilities with the actual runit. This will reduce the dependency on busybox greatly.</p> Jan 28 2020 Tue, 28 Jan 2020 Cem Keylan <h2>Jan 28 2020</h2> <p>Web Server is now on a Carbs Linux server. It is not complete yet, but I will be adding a little more for the intended functionality. Downtimes can be expected.</p> <p>UPDATE: ssl is now working.</p> <p>UPDATE2: downloads are back again.</p> Jan 22 2020 Wed, 22 Jan 2020 Cem Keylan <h2>Jan 22 2020</h2> <p>Expect downtime on Jan 24 2020 22:00 UTC as I will be migrating this web server to my Carbs Linux server!</p> Jan 15 2020 Wed, 15 Jan 2020 Cem Keylan <h2>Jan 15 2020</h2> <p>sinit has been taken to <code>core</code>, and is now officially supported</p> Jan 13 2020 Mon, 13 Jan 2020 Cem Keylan <h2>Jan 13 2020</h2> <p><strong>Busybox update reqires manual intervention</strong></p> <p>The new busybox package conflicts with the pre-update busybox-init. That&rsquo;s why you should rebuild and install <code>busybox-init</code> before doing the update.</p> <pre><code># Do a kiss update first (but don't actually update it yet), or manually pull the git repository $ kiss u # Cancel this operation after it asks for you to confirm the update # Install the busybox-init package $ kiss b busybox-init &amp;&amp; kiss i busybox-init # Continue your update as you normally would. $ kiss u </code></pre> <p>I have moved runit and logging utilities from the busybox-init package to the busybox package, which is the cause of these conflicts.</p> Jan 10 2020 Fri, 10 Jan 2020 Cem Keylan <h2>Jan 10 2020</h2> <p>carbs-rootfs-20200110.tar.xz was <a href="//">released</a></p> Jan 09 2020 Thu, 09 Jan 2020 Cem Keylan <h2>Jan 09 2020</h2> <p>Happy new year, everyone! I am back after some long silence. I was unable to commit for a while, but I have pulled some new updates from the KISS repository, added some of my own. This week I will be changing/adding some things.</p> <p>Important things are,</p> <ul> <li>Carbs-init was updated to 0.3.</li> <li>I will be adding an implementation of;s <a href="//">sinit</a> as <code>carbs-sinit</code></li> <li>Carbs Repository was added to <a href="//"></a></li> <li>A new rootfs tarball will be coming up tomorrow.</li> </ul> Dec 18 2019 Wed, 18 Dec 2019 Cem Keylan <h2>Dec 18 2019</h2> <p>carbs-rootfs-20191218.tar.xz was <a href="//">released</a></p> Dec 17 2019 Tue, 17 Dec 2019 Cem Keylan <h2>Dec 17 2019</h2> <p>Installation instruction are now complete. A review would be greatly appreciated!</p> Dec 15 2019 Sun, 15 Dec 2019 Cem Keylan <h2>Dec 15 2019</h2> <p>Carbs Linux Wiki is now available to be edited and updated by the users go to the <a href="//">wiki</a> to obtain more information.</p> <p><strong>February 2020 EDIT:</strong> Changed link for wiki</p> Dec 12 2019 Thu, 12 Dec 2019 Cem Keylan <h2>Dec 12 2019</h2> <p>Busybox and Busybox-init has been seperated into two different packages. This is for adding standalone runit/runit-init to the repositories.</p> Dec 10 2019 Tue, 10 Dec 2019 Cem Keylan <h2>Dec 10 2019</h2> <p>First alpha release was made. See the <a href="//">downloads page</a>.</p>