Carbs Linux
carbslinux-styleCarbs Linux stylesheets 3 years
cpt[MIRROR] Carbs Packaging Tools 2 years
cpt-extraExtra tools for cpt 4 years
docker-imageDocker image for Carbs Linux 4 years
docsCarbs Linux Documentation 12 months
initInit scripts for Carbs Linux 13 months
mkrootfsTool to generate rootfs tarballs of Carbs Linux 3 years
otoolsPort of some OpenBSD tools 3 years
outsourceUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
repositoryCarbs Linux repositories 5 months
websiteWebsite sources of Carbs Linux 12 months
forks/busyboxBusybox tree with Carbs Linux patches 4 years
forks/imvFork of imv, replacing icu with libgrapheme 3 years
forks/toyboxToybox with POSIX patches from E5ten 4 years
users/merakor/lariza~merakor's personal fork of lariza
users/merakor/repository~merakor's personal repository 4 years