path: root/CHANGELOG.md
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'CHANGELOG.md')
1 files changed, 130 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index 5719efd..e7ee439 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -9,7 +9,122 @@ this project _somewhat_ adheres to [Semantic Versioning].
[Semantic Versioning]: https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html
+[7.0.2] - 2023-02-05
+### Fixed
+- Fixed a bug that caused extra dependencies being added to the later packages
+ during multi-package build operations.
+- Fixed file attribute issue with the `_tmp_cp()` function causing modified
+ dependency files to receive `600` permission bits.
+[7.0.1] - 2023-02-05
+### Fixed
+- Made the `_tsort()` function compatible with POSIX
+- Fixed dependency calculation issue in `pkg_depends()` where some packages
+ would be removed.
+- Fixed `pkg_gentree()` not generating the dependency tree due to the dependency
+ calculation changes.
+[7.0.0] - 2023-01-31
+### Configuration Directory
+- In order to simplify file locations and messing up the `/etc` directory, CPT
+ now uses the `/etc/cpt` directory for reading related files. The location of
+ your system configuration directory is defined by the `--sysconfdir` flag in
+ the `./configure` script, it uses `/etc` if the prefix is `/usr`.
+- Since the location of the configuration can differ between installations,
+ `$cpt_confdir` variable can be used in programs using `cpt-lib` to get the
+ user's configuration directory.
+- This change currently doesn't break `cpt-base`, but you are advised to
+ rename your configuration files.
+- `/etc/cpt-base` is renamed to `/etc/cpt/base` (considering `$cpt_confdir` is
+ `/etc/cpt`)
+### Changes on hook behaviour
+- `/etc/cpt-hook` will no longer be used.
+- User hooks (as defined by `$CPT_HOOK` will be run regardless of the hook type.
+ I have realised that overriding user hooks on some operations was a mistake.
+ If the users already have the privilege to install packages, they should also
+ be able to run hooks without an interruption of the package manager.
+- Even though `/etc/cpt-hook` file is removed, a collection of systemwide hooks
+ can be added to the `/etc/cpt/hooks`directory. Any file in this directory will
+ be sourced by the package manager when running hooks. User hooks are run
+ _after_ systemwide hooks are run.
+- Added new hooks: `end-install` and `end-remove` that are run when
+ installation/removal is complete (not per-package).
+### Added
+- `cpt-size` can now sort files based on size.
+- `$CPT_NOSTRIP` variable can now be set to 1 in order to disable package
+ stripping. Make sure to add `-g` to your CFLAGS in order to keep debugging
+ symbols.
+- `cpt-build` now accepts `-d` and `-S` options to enable `$CPT_DEBUG` and
+ `$CPT_NOSTRIP` respectively.
+### Changed
+- `cpt-update` is now re-entrant, meaning that it is no longer needed to run the
+ update twice, `cpt-update` will continue the updates with the new version of
+ itself.
+- The package manager now can handle circular dependencies and exit gracefully.
+### Fixed
+- Fixed the behaviour of `cpt bi` and `cpt cbi` by merging the flag usage.
+- Fixed the `aria2c` usage on `pkg_download()` function.
+### Library
+- In order to get the `$deps` variable, one now has to use the new
+ `pkg_depends_commit()` function.
+[6.2.4] - 2022-02-07
+### Fixed
+- Fixed a bug in missing dependency where if the user had chosen 'ldd', it would
+ fail to fix dependencies due to a typo.
+[6.2.3] - 2022-02-02
+### Fixed
+- Fixed a checksum verification bug where adding an extra source did not require
+ checksum verification.
+- `cpt-manifest-tree` now modifies the output of `tree(1)` according to the new
+ version.
+- `cpt-reset` is now much more verbose.
+- Fixed the displayed messages on `cpt-install` when it is given a tarball as an
+ argument.
+- Fixed a faulty implementation in `pkg_tar()` where it used `pkg_find()`
+ instead of using the built package's database directory for gathering
+ information.
+[6.2.2] - 2021-11-09
+### Fixed
+- `cpt-alternatives` now properly logs file swaps even when the original file
+ no longer exists.
+- Minor fixes
+[6.2.1] - 2021-09-20
+### Fixed
+- `cpt-fork` follows symbolic links when forking packages.
+- Fixed "crux-like" usage in `cpt-size`
+- Fixed documentation path in the manual page
+[6.2.0] - 2021-08-14
### BLAKE3 checksums
@@ -27,6 +142,18 @@ built is already installed on the system `cpt` makes sure that the generated
etcsums are also backwards compatible.
+### Description searching
+`cpt-search` utility has a new mode for searching through the package names and
+descriptions, which is enabled by the `-q` flag. The output is really similar to
+how the `apt search` command works, but the output is not meant for scripting.
+Descriptions are defined by the `description` keys in the meta file.
+Instead of wildcards, the passed argument is expected to be a POSIX Basic
+Regular Expression, and is interpreted by `grep`. `cpt-search` also accepts the
+`-F` flag for passing literal expressions.
### Added
- `cpt-checksum` now has the `-s` flag to generate checksums using the SHA256
digest algorithm.
@@ -35,6 +162,7 @@ etcsums are also backwards compatible.
- `cpt-chroot` now has the flag `-m` to disable mounting/unmounting pseudo
- This changelog is now installed by the `Makefile`.
+- `cpt-chbuild` now has `-r` flag to redownload the chroot.
### Changed
- `cpt-size` has been rewritten to support POSIX `du`, and to support packages
@@ -42,7 +170,7 @@ etcsums are also backwards compatible.
- Installation now requires to run `./configure`.
-6.1.1 - 2021-08-04
+[6.1.1] - 2021-08-04
### Fixed