path: root/src/binds.c
diff options
authorHarry Jeffery <harry@exec64.co.uk>2017-11-23 19:13:25 +0000
committerHarry Jeffery <harry@exec64.co.uk>2017-11-23 21:34:11 +0000
commit7f8e941e97459ce83b00de04ecf2c8ac679334c4 (patch)
treeedb33c0a2fede44a37c799a93d05983eb5c042cd /src/binds.c
parent96c320e999927d964fbd128724022e7eeb976b8d (diff)
Implement key binding logic
This code is *heavily* based on work I previously did for aerc. Since I'm the author of that code, and therefore the copyright holder, I'm able to heavily re-use logic. Of course, because of the differences between termbox and SDL's event logic and key naming features, there's some significant differences in how binds are handled, and how keys are named.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/binds.c')
1 files changed, 284 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/binds.c b/src/binds.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..23ee43f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/binds.c
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+#include "binds.h"
+#include "list.h"
+#include <stdbool.h>
+struct bind_node {
+ char *key; /* input key to reach this node */
+ char *command; /* command to run for this node, or NULL if not leaf node */
+ struct list *suffixes; /* list of bind_node* suffixes, or NULL if leaf node */
+struct imv_binds {
+ struct bind_node bind_tree;
+ struct list *keys;
+static int compare_node_key(const void* item, const void *key)
+ const struct bind_node *node = item;
+ const char *keystr = key;
+ return strcmp(node->key, keystr);
+static void init_bind_node(struct bind_node *bn)
+ bn->key = NULL;
+ bn->command = NULL;
+ bn->suffixes = list_create();
+static void destroy_bind_node(struct bind_node *bn)
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < bn->suffixes->len; ++i) {
+ destroy_bind_node(bn->suffixes->items[i]);
+ }
+ free(bn->key);
+ free(bn->command);
+ list_deep_free(bn->suffixes);
+struct imv_binds *imv_binds_create(void)
+ struct imv_binds *binds = malloc(sizeof(struct imv_binds));
+ init_bind_node(&binds->bind_tree);
+ binds->keys = list_create();
+ return binds;
+void imv_binds_free(struct imv_binds *binds)
+ destroy_bind_node(&binds->bind_tree);
+ free(binds);
+enum bind_result imv_binds_add(struct imv_binds *binds, const struct list *keys, const char *command)
+ if(!command) {
+ }
+ if(!keys) {
+ }
+ /* Prepare our return code */
+ int result = BIND_SUCCESS;
+ /* Traverse the trie */
+ struct bind_node *node = &binds->bind_tree;
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < keys->len; ++i) {
+ /* If we've reached a node that already has a command, there's a conflict */
+ if(node->command) {
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Find / create a child with the current key */
+ struct bind_node *next_node = NULL;
+ int child_index = list_find(node->suffixes, &compare_node_key, keys->items[i]);
+ if(child_index == -1) {
+ /* Create our new node */
+ next_node = malloc(sizeof(struct bind_node));
+ init_bind_node(next_node);
+ next_node->key = strdup(keys->items[i]);
+ list_append(node->suffixes, next_node);
+ } else {
+ next_node = node->suffixes->items[child_index];
+ }
+ /* We've now found the correct node for this key */
+ /* Check if the node has a command */
+ if(next_node->command) {
+ if(i + 1 < keys->len) {
+ /* If we're not at the end, it's a conflict */
+ result = BIND_CONFLICTS;
+ break;
+ } else {
+ /* Otherwise we just need to overwrite the existing bind. */
+ free(next_node->command);
+ next_node->command = strdup(command);
+ result = BIND_SUCCESS;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(i + 1 == keys->len) {
+ /* this is the last key part, try to insert command */
+ /* but first, make sure there's no children */
+ if(next_node->suffixes->len > 0) {
+ result = BIND_CONFLICTS;
+ } else {
+ next_node->command = strdup(command);
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* Otherwise, move down the trie */
+ node = next_node;
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+enum lookup_result {
+static enum lookup_result bind_lookup(struct bind_node *node, struct list *keys, const char **out_str)
+ for(size_t part = 0; part < keys->len; ++part) {
+ const char* cur_key = keys->items[part];
+ int found = 0;
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < node->suffixes->len; ++i) {
+ struct bind_node* cur_node = node->suffixes->items[i];
+ if(strcmp(cur_node->key, cur_key) == 0) {
+ node = node->suffixes->items[i];
+ found = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!found) {
+ }
+ }
+ if(node->command) {
+ *out_str = node->command;
+ return LOOKUP_MATCH;
+ }
+static int print_event(char *buf, size_t len, const SDL_Event *event)
+ /* only accept keydown events */
+ if(event->type != SDL_KEYDOWN) {
+ buf[0] = 0;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ const SDL_KeyboardEvent *kevent = &event->key;
+ /* filter out modifier keys */
+ switch(kevent->keysym.sym) {
+ case SDLK_LCTRL:
+ case SDLK_RCTRL:
+ case SDLK_LALT:
+ case SDLK_RALT:
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* Build prefix first: */
+ char prefix[16] = {0};
+ snprintf(prefix, sizeof prefix, "%s%s%s",
+ SDL_GetModState() & KMOD_CTRL ? "Ctrl+" : "",
+ SDL_GetModState() & KMOD_ALT ? "Meta+" : "",
+ SDL_GetModState() & KMOD_SHIFT ? "Shift+" : "");
+ /* Try plain old character input */
+ const char *keyname = SDL_GetKeyName(kevent->keysym.sym);
+ /* Because '<' and '>' have special meaning in our syntax, and '=' is
+ * restricted within ini files, we rename these.
+ */
+ if(!strcmp(keyname, "<")) {
+ keyname = "Less";
+ } else if(!strcmp(keyname, ">")) {
+ keyname = "Greater";
+ } else if(!strcmp(keyname, "=")) {
+ keyname = "Equals";
+ }
+ return snprintf(buf, len, "%s%s", prefix, keyname);
+void imv_bind_clear_input(struct imv_binds *binds)
+ list_deep_free(binds->keys);
+ binds->keys = list_create();
+const char *imv_bind_handle_event(struct imv_binds *binds, const SDL_Event *event)
+ if(event->key.keysym.sym == SDLK_ESCAPE) {
+ imv_bind_clear_input(binds);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ char buffer[128];
+ print_event(buffer, sizeof(buffer), event);
+ list_append(binds->keys, strdup(buffer));
+ const char *command = NULL;
+ enum lookup_result result = bind_lookup(&binds->bind_tree, binds->keys, &command);
+ if(result == LOOKUP_PARTIAL) {
+ return NULL;
+ } else if(result == LOOKUP_MATCH) {
+ imv_bind_clear_input(binds);
+ return command;
+ } else if(result == LOOKUP_INVALID) {
+ imv_bind_clear_input(binds);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ /* Should not happen */
+ imv_bind_clear_input(binds);
+ return NULL;
+struct list *imv_bind_parse_keys(const char *keys)
+ struct list *list = list_create();
+ /* Iterate through the string, breaking it into its parts */
+ while(*keys) {
+ if(*keys == '<') {
+ /* Keyname block, need to extract the name, and convert it */
+ const char *end = keys;
+ while(*end && *end != '>') {
+ ++end;
+ }
+ if(*end == '>') {
+ /* We've got a <stuff> block. Check if it's a valid special key name. */
+ const size_t key_len = end - keys;
+ char *key = malloc(key_len);
+ memcpy(key, keys + 1 /* skip the '<' */, key_len - 1);
+ key[key_len - 1] = 0;
+ list_append(list, key);
+ keys = end + 1;
+ } else {
+ /* A <key> block that didn't have a closing '<'. Abort. */
+ list_deep_free(list);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* Just a regular character */
+ char *item = malloc(2);
+ item[0] = *keys;
+ item[1] = 0;
+ list_append(list, item);
+ ++keys;
+ }
+ }
+ return list;
+size_t imv_bind_print_keylist(const struct list *keys, char *buf, size_t len)
+ size_t printed = 0;
+ /* iterate through all the keys, wrapping them in '<' and '>' if needed */
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < keys->len; ++i) {
+ const char *key = keys->items[i];
+ const char *format = strlen(key) > 1 ? "<%s>" : "%s";
+ printed += snprintf(buf, len - printed, format, key);
+ }
+ return printed;