path: root/blog/20210303.org
diff options
authorCem Keylan <cem@ckyln.com>2021-08-31 01:13:15 +0300
committerCem Keylan <cem@ckyln.com>2021-08-31 01:13:15 +0300
commit08c5bd21fa02e1b30fe2e4c194d9c615a4daf2c6 (patch)
treeb471d65a2ad20665dc0e0e8f91aa67ac4c0949b1 /blog/20210303.org
parent25cfa83501cf9b0a1f79d7d94af13b0866c33aa7 (diff)
website: switch to hugo
Diffstat (limited to 'blog/20210303.org')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 83 deletions
diff --git a/blog/20210303.org b/blog/20210303.org
deleted file mode 100644
index a1bb161..0000000
--- a/blog/20210303.org
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-#+TITLE: March 2021 News Post
-#+DATE: <2021-03-03 Wed>
-#+AUTHOR: Cem Keylan
-Greetings! I am really happy to announce some few changes to the distribution. I
-wanted to write a new blog post to summarise them so you can get up to what is
-happening in Carbs Linux.
-#+TOC: headlines 1 local
-** Switching to Sourcehut
-:CUSTOM_ID: switching-to-sourcehut
-I have been thinking of moving development to [[srht:~carbslinux][Sourcehut]] for a while now. If your
-repository remotes reside at GitHub you are encouraged to switch them to
-Sourcehut. Mailing lists for discussion, development, and announcements have
-also been created for both the distribution, and the package manager using
-Sourcehut as the host. See the [[file:../mailing-lists.html][page on mailing lists]] for more information on
-subscribing to the mailing lists.
-This does mean that issue trackers now reside at Sourcehut, and I will be
-deactivating those in GitHub very soon. I have yet to decide whether on keeping
-the mirrors or deactivating them completely, but I will be giving three months
-of notice if it is decided to move away from GitHub completely. Regardless, the
-main repositories are still hosted at [[https://git.carbslinux.org][our own server]], and I have no intentions
-on changing that for the foreseeable future.
-*** State of our own Git repository
-In the near future, I will be moving our git server, and will be opening spots
-for other users, who want to make use of the git server. People can use it to
-serve their own =cpt= repositories, or personal projects that can be related to
-Carbs. I will post an announcement when this will happen, and a blog post that
-tells more about the new repository. Expect more by the end of March.
-** Wayland and Dbus
-:CUSTOM_ID: wayland-and-dbus
-There are new repositories for [[carbs-pkg:dbus/dbus][dbus]], and [[carbs-pkg:wayland/wayland][wayland]], which are still works in
-progress. These are meant to be options for those who /request/ it, and are not
-meant to be enforced package repositories. For example, any package outside of
-the ~dbus~ repository shouldn't require it to work, and shouldn't list it as a
-dependency. Packages can still be written using those as optional dependencies.
-This change also raises the question of whether Carbs is ditching Xorg or not.
-No, we are not ditching Xorg, Wayland is added as to serve an extra option for
-those who don't own graphics cards from some specific manufacturer.
-** Next release for CPT
-:CUSTOM_ID: next-release-for-cpt
-I had been working on the next major release for the package manager since
-December, and it is coming close to completion. This release focuses more on the
-library itself, and using the library more effectively on the contrib tools.
-Unfortunately, until this time, the library wasn't properly documented, and
-there weren't any unit tests for the library. Even though, the changes to the
-package manager are close to completion, documentation and tests are what is
-holding me from making the next release.
-** Website Update
-:CUSTOM_ID: website-update
-I have recently updated the website in its entirety so that it looks more
-appealing. I have updated the stylesheets and created a [[srht:~carbslinux/carbslinux-style][stylesheet repository]]
-and I am planning on extending it to use with other Carbs websites.
-The website is now generated using Emacs [[https://orgmode.org][Org Mode]], and its biggest advantage is
-that I can freely write posts without thinking about plaintext output, which
-held me back from writing big posts. I have also created a few org-mode link
-abbreviations such as the one that let me easily link to packages. There are
-also few disadvantages from using this method, which I am hoping to resolve as
-moving forward. One of these disadvantages made me remove the generated website
-from the git repository, now I generate and serve the website through
-~post-receive~ hooks. Once I resolve these, however, I will be adding the =docs=
-directory back to the repository.