path: root/docs/docs/carbslinux/Essential-Software.html
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authorCem Keylan <cem@ckyln.com>2021-02-02 09:40:22 +0300
committerCem Keylan <cem@ckyln.com>2021-02-02 10:23:50 +0300
commit95f85480de7eec5ba26fd54b7d8994f09e550225 (patch)
tree9bb25d6e3318c59a45496ef6203b8c90908d4717 /docs/docs/carbslinux/Essential-Software.html
parent4fbea76d88cd4ffd2e54a4380eff3ce88db8b33f (diff)
site: remove generated files
I will be publishing the website through post-receive hooks so that every minor change doesn't generate thousands of lines of git logs.
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/docs/carbslinux/Essential-Software.html')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 121 deletions
diff --git a/docs/docs/carbslinux/Essential-Software.html b/docs/docs/carbslinux/Essential-Software.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c24ed7..0000000
--- a/docs/docs/carbslinux/Essential-Software.html
+++ /dev/null
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-<span id="Essential-Software-1"></span><h4 class="subsection">1.2.4 Essential Software</h4>
-<p>Here is a list of software that you might want to have on your system.
-<li> efibootmgr
-</li><li> grub
-<li> e2fsprogs
-</li><li> dosfstools
-</li><li> ntfs-3g
-<li> dhcpcd
-</li><li> wpa<em>_supplicant</em>
-<p><strong>TEXT EDITORS</strong>
-<li> nano
-</li><li> vim
-</li><li> neatvi
-</li><li> emacs
-</li><li> emacs-nox (terminal-only version of emacs)
-<p><strong>USER SHELLS</strong>
-<li> bash
-</li><li> zsh
-</li><li> oksh
-</li><li> rc
-<p><strong>POSIX BASE UTILITIES</strong>
-<li> busybox
-</li><li> sbase
-</li><li> coreutils
-<li> carbs-docs
-</li><li> man-pages
-</li><li> man-pages-posix