path: root/org-publish.el
diff options
authorCem Keylan <cem@ckyln.com>2021-08-31 01:13:15 +0300
committerCem Keylan <cem@ckyln.com>2021-08-31 01:13:15 +0300
commit08c5bd21fa02e1b30fe2e4c194d9c615a4daf2c6 (patch)
treeb471d65a2ad20665dc0e0e8f91aa67ac4c0949b1 /org-publish.el
parent25cfa83501cf9b0a1f79d7d94af13b0866c33aa7 (diff)
website: switch to hugo
Diffstat (limited to 'org-publish.el')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 358 deletions
diff --git a/org-publish.el b/org-publish.el
deleted file mode 100755
index ee0a618..0000000
--- a/org-publish.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,358 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/emacs --script
-;; Lots of code were taken from:
-;; - https://gitlab.com/to1ne/blog/-/blob/master/elisp/publish.el
-;; - https://github.com/dmacvicar/site.org/blob/master/publish.el
-;; I don't want this script, especially package, to mess my Emacs directory.
-(setq user-emacs-directory (expand-file-name ".cache/" default-directory))
-(load-file (expand-file-name "elisp/no-littering.el" default-directory))
-(setq package-user-dir (with-no-warnings (no-littering-expand-var-file-name "package/")))
-(require 'package)
-(unless package-archive-contents
- (add-to-list 'package-archives '("org" . "https://orgmode.org/elpa/") t)
- (add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa" . "https://melpa.org/packages/") t)
- (package-refresh-contents))
-(dolist (pkg '(org-plus-contrib htmlize))
- (unless (package-installed-p pkg)
- (package-install pkg)))
-(require 'cl-lib)
-(require 'sh-script)
-(require 'ox)
-(require 'ox-publish)
-(require 'ox-rss)
-;; Taken from doom-emacs
-(defmacro c/pushnew! (place &rest values)
- "Push VALUES sequentially into PLACE, if they aren't already present.
-This is a variadic `cl-pushnew'."
- (let ((var (make-symbol "result")))
- `(dolist (,var (list ,@values) (with-no-warnings ,place))
- (cl-pushnew ,var ,place :test #'equal))))
-;; Some Quality of Life link abbrevations.
-(c/pushnew! org-link-abbrev-alist
- '("carbs-pkg" . "https://git.sr.ht/~carbslinux/repository/tree/master/item/%s")
- '("srht" . "https://git.sr.ht/%s")
- '("ml" . "https://lists.sr.ht/~carbslinux/%s")
- '("mlto" . "mailto:~carbslinux/%s@lists.sr.ht")
- '("github" . "https://github.com/%s"))
-(defvar carbs--src-directory (expand-file-name "src/" default-directory)
- "Directory for most of the static webpage content.")
-(defvar carbs--publish-directory (expand-file-name "docs/" default-directory)
- "Root directory of the published website.")
-(defvar carbs--news-directory (expand-file-name "news/" default-directory)
- "Directory for news posts.")
-(defvar carbs--blog-directory (expand-file-name "blog/" default-directory)
- "Directory for blog posts.")
-(defvar carbs--template-directory (expand-file-name "templates/" default-directory)
- "Directory for all types of templates")
-(defun carbs--insert-template (file)
- "Insert FILE from `carbs--template-directory'."
- (with-temp-buffer
- (insert-file-contents (expand-file-name file carbs--template-directory))
- (buffer-string)))
-(defun carbs/org-html-publish-to-html (plist filename pub-dir)
- "Wrapper function that adds publishing date as a subtitle.
-PLIST contains the properties, FILENAME the source file and
- PUB-DIR the output directory."
- (let ((project (cons 'rw plist)))
- (plist-put plist :subtitle
- (carbs/format-date-subtitle filename project))
- (org-html-publish-to-html plist filename pub-dir)))
-(defun carbs/org-html-publish-blog-index (plist filename pub-dir)
- "Wrapper function to publish only the index file to html.
-PLIST contains the properties, FILENAME the source file and PUB-DIR the output
- (if (equal "index.org" (file-name-nondirectory filename))
- (org-html-publish-to-html plist filename pub-dir)))
-(defun carbs/format-rss-feed-entry (entry style project)
- "Format ENTRY for the RSS feed.
-ENTRY is a file name. STYLE is either 'list' or 'tree'.
-PROJECT is the current project."
- (cond ((not (directory-name-p entry))
- (let* ((file (org-publish--expand-file-name entry project))
- (title (org-publish-find-title entry project))
- (date (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d" (org-publish-find-date entry project)))
- (link (concat (file-name-sans-extension entry) ".html")))
- (with-temp-buffer
- (insert (format "* %s\n" title))
- (org-set-property "RSS_PERMALINK" link)
- (org-set-property "PUBDATE" date)
- (insert-file-contents file)
- (buffer-string))))
- ((eq style 'tree)
- ;; Return only last subdir.
- (file-name-nondirectory (directory-file-name entry)))
- (t entry)))
-(defun carbs/format-rss-feed (title list)
- "Generate RSS feed, as a string.
-TITLE is the title of the RSS feed. LIST is an internal
-representation for the files to include, as returned by
-`org-list-to-lisp'. PROJECT is the current project."
- (concat "#+TITLE: " title "\n"
- "#+DESCRIPTION: a simple Linux distribution\n\n"
- (org-list-to-subtree list 1 '(:icount "" :istart ""))))
-(defun carbs/org-rss-publish-to-rss (plist filename pub-dir)
- "Publish RSS with PLIST, only when FILENAME is 'rss.org'.
-PUB-DIR is when the output will be placed."
- (org-rss-publish-to-rss plist filename pub-dir))
-(defun carbs/format-date-subtitle (file project)
- "Format the date found in FILE of PROJECT."
- (format-time-string "posted on %b %d, %Y" (org-publish-find-date file project)))
-(defun carbs--pre/postamble-format (type)
- "Return the content for the pre/postamble of TYPE."
- `(("en" ,(carbs--insert-template (format "%s.html" type)))))
-(defun carbs/org-publish-sitemap (title list)
- "Generate sitemap as a string, having TITLE.
-LIST is an internal representation for the files to include, as
-returned by `org-list-to-lisp'."
- (let ((filtered-list (cl-remove-if (lambda (x)
- (and (sequencep x) (null (car x))))
- list)))
- (concat (carbs--insert-template "blog.org")
- (org-list-to-org filtered-list) "\n")))
-(defun carbs/org-publish-latest-blog (title list)
- "Generate sitemap as a string, having TITLE.
-LIST is an internal representation for the files to include, as returned by
- (let* ((filtered-list (cl-remove-if (lambda (x)
- (and (sequencep x) (null (car x))))
- list))
- (latest-posts (seq-subseq filtered-list 0 (min (length filtered-list) 4))))
- (concat (org-list-to-org latest-posts) "\n")))
-(defun carbs/org-publish-latest-blog-entry (entry style project)
- "Format for sitemap ENTRY, as a string.
-ENTRY is a file name. STYLE is the style of the sitemap.
-PROJECT is the current project."
- (unless (equal entry "404.org")
- (format "%s - [[file:%s][%s]]"
- (format-time-string "%b %d, %Y" (org-publish-find-date entry project))
- entry
- (org-publish-find-title entry project))))
-(defun carbs/org-publish-sitemap-entry (entry style project)
- "Format for sitemap ENTRY, as a string.
-ENTRY is a file name. STYLE is the style of the sitemap.
-PROJECT is the current project."
- (unless (equal entry "404.org")
- (format "[[file:%s][%s]] /%s/"
- entry
- (org-publish-find-title entry project)
- (carbs/format-date-subtitle entry project))))
-(defun carbs/org-publish-news (title list)
- "Generate sitemap as a string, having TITLE.
-LIST is an internal representation for the files to include, as
-returned by `org-list-to-lisp'."
- (let ((filtered-list (cl-remove-if (lambda (x)
- (and (sequencep x) (null (car x))))
- list)))
- (concat "#+TITLE: News Index\n\n"
- (org-list-to-subtree filtered-list 1 '(:istart "" :icount "")) "\n")))
-(defun carbs/org-publish-news-latest (title list)
- "Generate sitemap as a string, having TITLE.
-LIST is an internal representation for the files to include, as
-returned by `org-list-to-lisp'."
- (let* ((filtered-list (cl-remove-if (lambda (x)
- (and (sequencep x) (null (car x))))
- list))
- (latest-posts (seq-subseq filtered-list 0 (min (length filtered-list) 6))))
- (concat
- (org-list-to-subtree latest-posts 1 '(:istart "" :icount "")) "\n")))
-(defun carbs/org-publish-news-entry (entry style project)
- "Format for sitemap ENTRY, as a string.
-ENTRY is a file name. STYLE is the style of the sitemap.
-PROJECT is the current project."
- (cond ((not (directory-name-p entry))
- (let* ((file (org-publish--expand-file-name entry project))
- (date (format-time-string "%b %d, %Y" (org-publish-find-date entry project)))
- (link (concat (file-name-sans-extension entry) ".html")))
- (with-temp-buffer
- (insert (format "* [[file:%s][%s]]\n" link date))
- (insert-file-contents file)
- (buffer-string))))
- ((eq style 'tree)
- ;; Return only last subdir.
- (file-name-nondirectory (directory-file-name entry)))
- (t entry)))
-(setq user-full-name "Cem Keylan"
- user-mail-address "root@carbslinux.org"
- org-publish-timestamp-directory (with-no-warnings (no-littering-expand-var-file-name "timestamps/"))
- org-html-doctype "html5"
- org-html-head (concat "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"/style.css\">\n"
- org-html-head-include-scripts nil
- org-html-metadata-timestamp-format "%Y-%m-%d"
- org-html-head-include-default-style nil
- org-html-html5-fancy t
- org-html-htmlize-output-type 'css
- org-export-with-toc nil
- org-export-with-section-numbers nil
- org-publish-project-alist
- (list
- (list "news"
- :author ""
- :base-directory carbs--news-directory
- :html-preamble t
- :html-postamble t
- :html-preamble-format (carbs--pre/postamble-format 'preamble)
- :html-postamble-format (carbs--pre/postamble-format 'postamble)
- :publishing-directory (expand-file-name "news/" carbs--publish-directory)
- :publishing-function '(org-html-publish-to-html org-ascii-publish-to-ascii)
- :exclude (regexp-opt '("index.org" "news.org" "latest-news.org"))
- :auto-sitemap t
- :sitemap-filename "index.org"
- :sitemap-style 'list
- :sitemap-title "Carbs Linux news"
- :sitemap-sort-files 'anti-chronologically
- :sitemap-function 'carbs/org-publish-news
- :sitemap-format-entry 'carbs/org-publish-news-entry)
- (list "news-rss-generate"
- :base-directory carbs--news-directory
- :publishing-directory carbs--publish-directory
- :publishing-function 'ignore
- :exclude (regexp-opt '("index.org" "news.org" "latest-news.org"))
- :html-link-home "https://carbslinux.org/news"
- :auto-sitemap t
- :sitemap-filename "news.org"
- :sitemap-style 'list
- :sitemap-title "Carbs Linux news"
- :sitemap-sort-files 'anti-chronologically
- :sitemap-function 'carbs/format-rss-feed
- :sitemap-format-entry 'carbs/format-rss-feed-entry)
- (list "latest-news"
- :base-directory carbs--news-directory
- :publishing-directory carbs--publish-directory
- :publishing-function 'ignore
- :exclude (regexp-opt '("index.org" "news.org" "latest-news.org"))
- :auto-sitemap t
- :sitemap-filename "latest-news.org"
- :sitemap-style 'list
- :sitemap-title "Carbs Linux news"
- :sitemap-sort-files 'anti-chronologically
- :sitemap-function 'carbs/org-publish-news-latest
- :sitemap-format-entry 'carbs/org-publish-news-entry)
- (list "news-rss-publish"
- :base-directory carbs--news-directory
- :exclude "."
- :include '("news.org")
- :rss-extension "xml"
- :recursive t
- :html-link-home "https://carbslinux.org/news"
- :publishing-directory carbs--publish-directory
- :publishing-function 'carbs/org-rss-publish-to-rss)
- (list "blog-latest"
- :base-directory carbs--blog-directory
- :publishing-directory carbs--publish-directory
- :publishing-function 'ignore
- :exclude (regexp-opt '("index.org" "rss.org" "latest-blog.org"))
- :auto-sitemap t
- :sitemap-filename "latest-blog.org"
- :sitemap-style 'list
- :sitemap-sort-files 'anti-chronologically
- :sitemap-function 'carbs/org-publish-latest-blog
- :sitemap-format-entry 'carbs/org-publish-latest-blog-entry)
- (list "home"
- :base-directory carbs--src-directory
- :html-preamble t
- :html-postamble t
- :html-preamble-format (carbs--pre/postamble-format 'preamble)
- :html-postamble-format (carbs--pre/postamble-format 'postamble)
- :publishing-directory carbs--publish-directory
- :publishing-function 'org-html-publish-to-html)
- (list "blog-index-publish"
- :base-directory carbs--blog-directory
- :publishing-directory (expand-file-name "blog/" carbs--publish-directory)
- :publishing-function 'carbs/org-html-publish-blog-index
- :html-preamble t
- :html-postamble t
- :html-preamble-format (carbs--pre/postamble-format 'preamble)
- :html-postamble-format (carbs--pre/postamble-format 'postamble)
- :html-link-org-files-as-html t
- :exclude (regexp-opt '("rss.org" "index.org" "latest-blog.org"))
- :auto-sitemap t
- :sitemap-filename "index.org"
- :sitemap-style 'list
- :sitemap-title "Carbs Linux blog"
- :sitemap-sort-files 'anti-chronologically
- :sitemap-function 'carbs/org-publish-sitemap
- :sitemap-format-entry 'carbs/org-publish-sitemap-entry)
- (list "blog"
- :base-directory carbs--blog-directory
- :publishing-directory (expand-file-name "blog/" carbs--publish-directory)
- :publishing-function 'carbs/org-html-publish-to-html
- :html-preamble t
- :html-postamble t
- :html-preamble-format (carbs--pre/postamble-format 'preamble)
- :html-postamble-format (carbs--pre/postamble-format 'postamble)
- :exclude (regexp-opt '("rss.org" "index.org" "latest-blog.org"))
- :html-link-org-files-as-html t)
- (list "blog-generate-rss-sitemap"
- :base-extension "org"
- :base-directory carbs--blog-directory
- :html-link-home "https://carbslinux.org/blog"
- :exclude (regexp-opt '("rss.org" "index.org" "latest-blog.org"))
- :publishing-function 'ignore
- :publishing-directory (expand-file-name "blog/" carbs--publish-directory)
- :rss-extension "xml"
- :auto-sitemap t
- :html-link-org-files-as-html t
- :sitemap-filename "rss.org"
- :sitemap-title "Carbs Linux blog"
- :sitemap-style 'list
- :sitemap-sort-files 'anti-chronologically
- :sitemap-function 'carbs/format-rss-feed
- :sitemap-format-entry 'carbs/format-rss-feed-entry)
- (list "blog-publish-rss-sitemap"
- :base-directory carbs--blog-directory
- :rss-extension "xml"
- :recursive t
- :exclude "."
- :include '("rss.org")
- :publishing-directory carbs--publish-directory
- :publishing-function 'carbs/org-rss-publish-to-rss
- :html-link-home "https://carbslinux.org/blog"
- :html-link-use-abs-url t)
- (list "plaintext"
- :author ""
- :base-directory carbs--src-directory
- :publishing-directory carbs--publish-directory
- :publishing-function 'org-ascii-publish-to-ascii
- :base-extension "org"
- :exclude (regexp-opt '("rss.org" "latest-blog.org"))
- :recursive t)
- (list "blog-txt"
- :base-directory carbs--blog-directory
- :base-extension "org"
- :exclude (regexp-opt '("rss.org" "latest-blog.org"))
- :publishing-directory (expand-file-name "blog/" carbs--publish-directory)
- :publishing-function 'org-ascii-publish-to-ascii)))