path: root/blog/20210415.org
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-#+TITLE: April 2021 News Post
-#+DATE: <2021-04-15 Thu>
-#+AUTHOR: Cem Keylan
-Greetings from the cruellest month of the year! We have some important
-topics this month that I wanted to share with you.
-#+TOC: headlines 1 local
-** CPT version 6 Release
-:CUSTOM_ID: cpt-version-6-release
-I have released the version 6 of our package manager and did a few bugfix
-releases, which contained a variety of changes made since December. The
-[[https://fossil.carbslinux.org/cpt/log][Changelog]] details them on our new Fossil repository, which I will be talking
-about more on a later section of this post.
-As I have mentioned on the [[file:20210303.org::#next-release-for-cpt][previous news post]], I was holding the release for a
-few bugfixes, and documentation. The documentation is complete enough to be
-shipped, but there are still some things to add. The manual pages, and the
-documentation for the user tools, however, are considered complete.
-** New rootfs tarball
-:CUSTOM_ID: new-rootfs-tarball
-A new tarball has been released after almost 7 months! This tarball targets the
-=x86_64= architecture, and can be installed following the instructions.
-*** Signing Releases
-:CUSTOM_ID: signing-releases
-Releases are now signed with the OpenBSD tool [[https://man.openbsd.org/signify][signify(1)]] instead of GnuPG. There
-are two packages on our repository that provide this tool, [[carbs-pkg:core/otools][otools]], and [[carbs-pkg:extra/signify][signify]].
-Debian-based distributions usually provide it under =signify-openbsd=, and other
-distributions provide it as just =signify=. Each release will have a different
-public key, those can be found on [[https://dl.carbslinux.org/keys]]. Since the
-public keys are so small, I will also be embedding the latest release key to the
-README file of the package repository, and the installation manual.
-*** The state of i686
-:CUSTOM_ID: the-state-of-i686
-As you may have noticed, I haven't made a release for the =i686= architecture
-this time. I won't be retiring it, but my old laptop, which was the reason I
-initially ported Carbs Linux to the architecture in the first place, has stopped
-working. I won't be retiring it just now, but I also don't see anyone else
-interested in it. If you are interested in taking the maintainership for the
-architecture, you can send a mail to the mailing-list. Otherwise, I will be
-dropping the architecture by the end of June.
-** Fossil
-:CUSTOM_ID: fossil
-I have recently been toying around with the alternate version control system,
-[[https://fossil-scm.org][Fossil]]. Since no Carbs Linux News Post is complete without some sort of
-repository migration[fn:1], the canonical repository of the package manager has
-been moved to Fossil on [[https://fossil.carbslinux.org/cpt]]. However, this doesn't
-mean that the mailing-list on Sourcehut will be removed, those will be in place
-until I decide to serve mailing lists on our own server.
-As time goes on, I am also planning on switching some other repositories to
-Fossil as well. I will be switching the Documentation repository next, and the
-Package repository when Fossil support is added to the package manager.
-*** Fossil support on the package manager
-:CUSTOM_ID: fossil-support-on-the-package-manager
-Right now, the package manager supports Git, Mercurial, and Rsync repositories.
-I do want to add Fossil repository support, however this might take long to
-implement as I will be rewriting the repository backend to simplify and collect
-the operations made by the package manager to manage package repositories.
-I'm aiming for a new system that makes it easy and simple to manage repositories
-outside of the package manager's scope as well. These changes can be followed
-from the [[https://fossil.carbslinux.org/cpt/timeline?r=repository-backend][repository-backend]] branch, which as of the time of writing this blog
-post, contains no new check-ins, and specifically the status of Fossil support
-can be tracked from [[https://fossil.carbslinux.org/cpt/tktview?name=b354510bc3][this ticket]].
-** Switching back to LibreSSL
-:CUSTOM_ID: switching-back-to-libressl
-This is the 4th time Carbs Linux is switching SSL providers, but I am planning
-on this to be the final change for the foreseeable future. The reason behind
-this change is pragmatism. Even though BearSSL is sufficient enough to run the
-base, some essential packages (such as Python for its SSL module) depended on
-LibreSSL, meaning that using LibreSSL was mandatory if you weren't simply using
-the bare-minimum. Using 2 separate SSL libraries is pointless when you have the
-option to easily use a single one.
-** Consistent communication
-:CUSTOM_ID: consistent-communication
-I have decided to be more consistent on these news posts, I will try to make
-these every 15th of the month. I have also recently came back to IRC to be as
-active as possible. At least I can always be reached by mail, if all else fails!
-See you on the next post!
-** Footnotes
-[fn:1] "No mention of openbsd on the internet is complete without a long thread
-about source control migration." -- tedu@ [[https://gameoftrees.org]]