diff options
6 files changed, 861 insertions, 173 deletions
diff --git a/carbslinux.org b/carbslinux.org
index dce939b..21b8117 100644
--- a/carbslinux.org
+++ b/carbslinux.org
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ This is the documentation source for Carbs Linux in Org-mode. The macros below
are used for assigning IDs to contribution guidelines.
#+MACRO: contid [@@texinfo:@anchor{$1}@@$1]
-#+MACRO: sectid $2 [@@texinfo:@anchor{$1}@@$1]
+#+MACRO: sectid (eval (format "%s [%s]\n@@texinfo:@anchor{%s}@@\n" $2 $1 $1))
This is the full documentation of [[https://carbslinux.org][Carbs Linux]], from the details of the
distribution, installation, to the package manager. It is not yet complete.
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ with your favorite pager. You can install either the @command{info} or
- [[#system-configuration][System Configuration]]
- [[#configuring-hostname][Configuring hostname]]
- [[#hosts-file][Hosts file]]
+ - [[#creating-a-user][Creating a user]]
- [[#kernel][Kernel]]
- [[#obtaining-the-kernel-sources][Obtaining the kernel sources]]
- [[#kernel-dependencies][Kernel dependencies]]
@@ -68,12 +69,18 @@ with your favorite pager. You can install either the @command{info} or
- [[#init-system][Init System]]
- [[#configuring-init][Configuring Init]]
- [[#changing-init-program][Changing Init Program]]
- - [[#display-systems][Display Systems]]
- - [[#wayland][Wayland]]
+ - [[#wayland][Wayland]]
+ - [[#enabling-the-wayland-repository][Enabling the Wayland repository]]
+ - [[#switching-from-xorg][Switching from Xorg]]
+ - [[#installing-a-compositor][Installing a Compositor]]
- [[#contribution-guidelines][Contribution Guidelines]]
- [[#conventions][Conventions]]
- [[#shell-conventions][Shell Conventions]]
- [[#repository-conventions][Repository Conventions]]
+ - [[#contributing-to-the-community-repository][Contributing to the Community repository]]
+ - [[#sending-patches][Sending Patches]]
+ - [[#git-patches][Git Patches]]
+ - [[#fossil-patches][Fossil Patches]]
- [[#gnu-free-documentation-license][GNU Free Documentation License]]
* Copying
@@ -81,7 +88,7 @@ with your favorite pager. You can install either the @command{info} or
-Copyright \copy 2020-2021 Cem Keylan
+Copyright \copy 2020-{{{time(%Y)}}} Cem Keylan
Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
@@ -101,7 +108,7 @@ Documentation License."
#+NAME: pubkey
#+begin_src sh :exports none
These are the step-by-step instructions for installing Carbs Linux. It can be
@@ -169,8 +176,8 @@ curl -L https://dl.carbslinux.org/releases/x86_64/carbs-rootfs.tar.xz.sig
-: untrusted comment: verify with carbslinux-2021.08.pub
-: RWTK4GFDD7JiohUHBeJXuKw+/P3K4ZRR8jQud0iOxNDbn7WCFxQsxt9FUNSEiXfLjkm1Ez8c3esRG8oydrsFUFpBGtekFt5obgo=
+: untrusted comment: verify with carbslinux-2023.02.pub
+: RWTe38zmx+iyuKEL5T84MJ5Y24jqenkTtQLJxbaMzOBS/NkGVl5J+Vn2B6vTV/gJK7LYBPS+IOXV5sEf+YLGCMcBYAGHCcP4xQ8=
Grab the key (which probably should be the latest one) that is written on the
file from [[https://dl.carbslinux.org/keys/]] so you can verify the signature. The
@@ -195,8 +202,6 @@ If everything went alright, this should output:
Signature Verified
*** Extracting the tarball
:DESCRIPTION: Extracting the root filesystem to the desired location
@@ -260,7 +265,7 @@ Carbs Linux rsync repositories live in rsync://carbslinux.org/repo. In
order to obtain it, run the following:
-rsync -avc rsync://carbslinux.org/repo $HOME/repos/carbs
+rsync -avc rsync://vaylin.carbslinux.org/repo $HOME/repos/carbs
**** Making the package manager use the repositories
@@ -271,7 +276,7 @@ following lines:
export CPT_PATH
@@ -395,6 +400,37 @@ replace the 'localhost' part of these entries to your hostname.
::1 localhost.localdomain localhost ip6-localhost
+*** Creating a user
+:DESCRIPTION: Adding a user to your new system
+Creating a new user is not strictly necessary, but it is highly recommended.
+Especially for building packages, it is the safest option to create an
+unprivileged user and using =doas= for doing operations that require =root=
+privileges. The code block below describes how to create a user (named =foo=),
+add them to the wheel group, and to give doas permissions to the wheel group
+# Create the new user
+adduser foo
+# Add the user to the wheel group
+addgroup foo wheel
+# Give root permission to the wheel group using doas
+echo permit persist :wheel >> /etc/doas.conf
+You are also advised to take a look at the doas configuration file and the
+manual page of doas.
+After you are finished you can switch to the new user by running
+#+begin_src sh
+su foo
** Kernel
:DESCRIPTION: Compiling your own kernel
@@ -411,17 +447,21 @@ need to reconfigure for your specific setup if you want to make use of it.
You can visit the [[https://kernel.org]] website to choose a kernel that you want
to install. Though only the latest stable and longterm (LTS) versions are
+supported. Note that kernel releases are quite rapid, and the version below is
+likely outdated, so don't run it verbatim.
# Download the kernel and extract it
-wget https://cdn.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v5.x/linux-5.9.1.tar.xz
-tar xf linux-5.9.1.tar.xz
+wget https://cdn.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v5.x/linux-5.19.4.tar.xz
+tar xJf linux-5.19.4.tar.xz
# Change directory into the kernel sources
-cd linux-5.9.1
+cd linux-5.19.4
+*NOTE:* If you want to validate the kernel signature, install the =gnupg2=
+package, and follow the instructions provided at [[https://kernel.org/category/signatures.html]].
*** Kernel dependencies
:DESCRIPTION: Requirements for building the kernel
@@ -684,20 +724,23 @@ currently running on your system and not the one you are switching to.
| runit | =runit-init 6= |
| shinit/sinit | =kill -s INT 1= |
-** TODO Display Systems
-Carbs Linux supports both Xorg and Wayland in the distribution repositories.
-This section serves as a guide to set up your preferred display server. Follow
-the subsection for the display server you want to setup.
+** Wayland
+:DESCRIPTION: Maintaining a Wayland display system
-*** Wayland
+Carbs Linux only supports Wayland displays as of January 2023. If your system
+makes use of the X.org display system, read the section [[*Switching from Xorg][Switching from Xorg]].
Wayland is a modern display server protocol intended as a replacement for Xorg.
Wayland has a much simpler architecture compared to X by its careful design and
implementation. Users who want to use a Wayland compositor should follow this
-**** Enabling the Wayland repository
+*** Enabling the Wayland repository
+:DESCRIPTION: Including the wayland repository in your repository path
The =wayland= repository requires packages from =xorg= and =extra= repositories.
So you should set your =$CPT_PATH= so that =core= and =extra= repositories
@@ -709,7 +752,6 @@ your repository.
export CPT_PATH
@@ -720,23 +762,35 @@ After you have enabled your repositories, go ahead and install =wayland= and
cpt-build wayland wayland-protocols
-**** Switching from Xorg
+*** Switching from Xorg
+:DESCRIPTION: Rebuilding system packages for wayland
If you are already an Xorg user, you will need to rebuild some packages so that
they support =wayland=. If you don't have an =xorg= system, feel free to skip
this step. The packages that need a rebuild are:
-- gtk+3
-- gtk4
-- mesa
-- xorg-server (for Xwayland support)
-- webkit2gtk
+- =gtk+3=
+- =gtk4=
+- =mesa=
+- =webkit2gtk=
+For xorg support inside wayland sessions, you need to install the =xwayland=
-**** TODO Installing a Compositor
+*** Installing a Compositor
+:DESCRIPTION: Getting wayland ready for your system
The =wayland= repository currently only contains =sway= as a Wayland compositor,
but you can package something else for your own.
+#+begin_src sh
+cpt bi sway
* Contribution Guidelines
:DESCRIPTION: Contribute to Carbs Linux
@@ -818,7 +872,7 @@ themselves. Here are the things to keep in mind:
- {{{contid(2020)}}} :: Prefer sources without a dependency to =automake=. There
are usually distribution tarballs that are =autoconf='ed. Don't submit tarballs
- with an automake dependency unless you are =sure= there is no alternative.
+ with an automake dependency unless you are *sure* there is no alternative.
- {{{contid(2030)}}} :: Avoid these packages:
- dbus :: Usually can be disabled by ~--disable-dbus~.
- gettext :: Usually can be disabled by ~--disable-nls~.
@@ -876,19 +930,22 @@ taken literally, they are meant as examples.
**** {{{sectid(2220, Meson)}}}
+The distribution provides a =cl-meson= wrapper script which sets some common
+options like installation directories, disables downloading subprojects among
+other things. This is the preferred method for packages.
- #!/bin/sh -e
+#!/bin/sh -e
- export DESTDIR=$1
+export DESTDIR=$1
- meson \
- --prefix=/usr \
- -Doption=false \
- -Doption2=true \
- . output
+cl-meson \
+ -Doption=false \
+ -Doption2=true \
+ . output
- ninja -C output
- ninja -C output install
+ninja -C output
+ninja -C output install
**** {{{sectid(2230, Cmake)}}}
@@ -920,6 +977,9 @@ taken literally, they are meant as examples.
install -Dm755 program "$1/usr/bin/program"
+*NOTE*: Follow 2242 if you are packaging for non-Community repository.
+#+TEXINFO: @xref{2242}
**** {{{sectid(2241, Python)}}}
@@ -929,6 +989,135 @@ taken literally, they are meant as examples.
python setup.py install --prefix=/usr --root="$1"
+**** {{{sectid(2242, Go (pre-vendored))}}}
+:ID: d2c828ae-bc56-4183-8830-becbf6a812d1
+If you are a distribution maintainer create and upload vendor tarballs
+so that no internet connection is required during package compilation at all.
+You can use the following template for this case:
+#!/bin/sh -e
+go build -v -mod=vendor
+clinst -Dm755 program "$1/usr/bin/program"
+** Contributing to the Community repository
+:DESCRIPTION: Package maintainership and issue reports
+The community repository is available for any user to submit packages. However,
+there are certain guidelines that the users are expected to follow before they
+submit packages.
+- {{{contid(3000)}}} ::
+ Any submitted package should contain a =meta= file that includes a short
+ description of the package, the maintainer's name and email address, and the
+ license of the package. Below is an example:
+ #+begin_example
+description: some IRC client with some interesting feature
+license: MIT
+maintainer: Your Name <address@example.com>
+ #+end_example
+ The order of these are not important. However, make sure to use the license
+ identifiers as defined by [[https://spdx.org/licenses/][SPDX]] when listing the license.
+- {{{contid(3010)}}} ::
+ The user submitting the package is expected to maintain their packages. This
+ means that they are keeping the packages up-to-date, and responding to issues
+ related to the package.
+- {{{contid(3020)}}} ::
+ If a maintainer doesn't follow the above expectation for a duration of up to a
+ month, their packages will be orphaned and can be adopted by a new maintainer.
+ Maintainers can also request that their packages be orphaned. If the orphaned
+ packages aren't adopted by a new maintainer in a period of two weeks, these
+ packages will be dropped from the repository.
+- {{{contid(3030)}}} ::
+ Package submissions and updates should be submitted in the form of patches to
+ the [[https://lists.sr.ht/~carbslinux/carbslinux-devel][~carbslinux/carbslinux-devel]] mailing list. The repository on Github is a
+ read-only mirror, and Pull Requests will *NOT* be accepted.
+- {{{contid(3031)}}} ::
+ Issues regarding community packages should be submitted to the
+ [[https://lists.sr.ht/~carbslinux/carbslinux-discuss][~carbslinux/carbslinux-discuss]] mailing list. When submitting issues, do not
+ forget to add the maintainer as a recipient. You can easily find the maintainer
+ information by running ~cpt-maintainer <pkg>~.
+** Sending Patches
+:DESCRIPTION: Code contribution
+*** Git Patches
+There are multiple ways of sending patches with git. Unfortunately, the most
+popular / official way of doing it requires Perl and some extra Perl libraries
+that are not packaged in the repository. This section tries to list other
+options that are just as useful as =git send-email=.
+**** =git-send-email= with msmtp
+By default, =git-send-email= uses a Perl SMTP client, but without using it this
+command doesn't actually need extra Perl libraries, only Perl itself. So, if you
+are okay with using Perl, the easiest option is to install the =msmtp= package,
+and change your git configuration to match your msmtp settings.
+To your =~/.gitconfig=, add the following section:
+ smtpserver = /usr/bin/msmtp
+ smtpserveroption = -a
+ smtpserveroption = your-account-name
+**** =git-imap-send=
+The =git imap-send= command reads patches in mbox format, and uploads it to your
+imap server as drafts. You can then use your preferred email-client to edit and
+send them. This is the option with no dependencies. Check out the manual page
+=git-imap-send(1)= for more information on setting up.
+*** Fossil Patches
+You can create multiple types of "patches" with Fossil. Unlike the common
+convention in Git, the first two examples here uses uncommitted changes to
+create a patch (although you could very well create patches of committed
+changes). The preferred method is by creating a plaintext patch by doing the
+#+begin_src sh
+fossil diff -i > your-changes.patch
+You can also create a binary patch:
+#+begin_src sh
+fossil patch create your-changes.db
+If your patchset is complex, and needs to be splitted in multiple check-ins, you
+can create a Fossil bundle:
+#+begin_src sh
+fossil bundle create --from CHECKIN --to CHECKIN2 patchset.bundle
+After creating the patches, you can simply send them to the mailing list, or
+upload the patches to the Fossil forum of the relevant repository.
* GNU Free Documentation License
diff --git a/carbslinux.texi b/carbslinux.texi
index fd0973d..d3be7f9 100644
--- a/carbslinux.texi
+++ b/carbslinux.texi
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
@c %**end of header
-Copyright @copyright{} 2020-2021 Cem Keylan
+Copyright @copyright{} 2020-2024 Cem Keylan
Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@ System Configuration
* Configuring hostname:: Setting up system hostname (recommended)
* Hosts file:: Setting up hosts file for networking (optional)
+* Creating a user:: Adding a user to your new system
@@ -115,26 +116,35 @@ Post-installation
* Init System:: Configure the init system
-* Display Systems::
+* Wayland:: Maintaining a Wayland display system
Init System
* Configuring Init:: Ways to configure the init system
* Changing Init Program:: Replace the default busybox init with something new
-Display Systems
-* Wayland::
+* Enabling the Wayland repository:: Including the wayland repository in your repository path
+* Switching from Xorg:: Rebuilding system packages for wayland
+* Installing a Compositor:: Getting wayland ready for your system
Contribution Guidelines
* Conventions:: Conventions of the distribution
+* Contributing to the Community repository:: Package maintainership and issue reports
+* Sending Patches:: Code contribution
* Shell Conventions:: Conventions for shell scripts
* Repository Conventions:: Conventions for repository build scripts
+Sending Patches
+* Git Patches::
+* Fossil Patches::
@end detailmenu
@end menu
@@ -216,8 +226,8 @@ wget $URL/carbs-rootfs.tar.xz.sig
The signature file should say something similar to
-untrusted comment: verify with carbslinux-2021.08.pub
+untrusted comment: verify with carbslinux-2023.02.pub
@end example
@@ -228,7 +238,7 @@ check the validity of the public key from multiple locations, or just copy paste
that portion to a file and use that instead.
wget https://dl.carbslinux.org/keys/$PUBKEY
@end example
@@ -293,7 +303,7 @@ mkdir -p $HOME/repos
-Obtaining from git
+@anchor{Obtaining from git}Obtaining from git
Carbs Linux git repositories can be found both from the main server and GitHub
@@ -311,18 +321,18 @@ git clone git://git.carbslinux.org/repository $HOME/repos/carbs
@end example
-Obtaining from rsync
+@anchor{Obtaining from rsync}Obtaining from rsync
Carbs Linux rsync repositories live in rsync://carbslinux.org/repo. In
order to obtain it, run the following:
-rsync -avc rsync://carbslinux.org/repo $HOME/repos/carbs
+rsync -avc rsync://vaylin.carbslinux.org/repo $HOME/repos/carbs
@end example
-Making the package manager use the repositories
+@anchor{Making the package manager use the repositories}Making the package manager use the repositories
In your shell's configuration file, or in your @samp{~/.profile} file, add the
@@ -331,7 +341,7 @@ following lines:
export CPT_PATH
@end example
@@ -445,6 +455,7 @@ system to your liking.
* Configuring hostname:: Setting up system hostname (recommended)
* Hosts file:: Setting up hosts file for networking (optional)
+* Creating a user:: Adding a user to your new system
@end menu
@node Configuring hostname
@@ -469,6 +480,35 @@ replace the 'localhost' part of these entries to your hostname.
::1 localhost.localdomain localhost ip6-localhost
@end example
+@node Creating a user
+@subsection Creating a user
+Creating a new user is not strictly necessary, but it is highly recommended.
+Especially for building packages, it is the safest option to create an
+unprivileged user and using @samp{doas} for doing operations that require @samp{root}
+privileges. The code block below describes how to create a user (named @samp{foo}),
+add them to the wheel group, and to give doas permissions to the wheel group
+# Create the new user
+adduser foo
+# Add the user to the wheel group
+addgroup foo wheel
+# Give root permission to the wheel group using doas
+echo permit persist :wheel >> /etc/doas.conf
+@end example
+You are also advised to take a look at the doas configuration file and the
+manual page of doas.
+After you are finished you can switch to the new user by running
+su foo
+@end example
@node Kernel
@section Kernel
@@ -487,17 +527,21 @@ need to reconfigure for your specific setup if you want to make use of it.
You can visit the @uref{https://kernel.org} website to choose a kernel that you want
to install. Though only the latest stable and longterm (LTS) versions are
+supported. Note that kernel releases are quite rapid, and the version below is
+likely outdated, so don't run it verbatim.
# Download the kernel and extract it
-wget https://cdn.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v5.x/linux-5.9.1.tar.xz
-tar xf linux-5.9.1.tar.xz
+wget https://cdn.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v5.x/linux-5.19.4.tar.xz
+tar xJf linux-5.19.4.tar.xz
# Change directory into the kernel sources
-cd linux-5.9.1
+cd linux-5.19.4
@end example
+@strong{NOTE:} If you want to validate the kernel signature, install the @samp{gnupg2}
+package, and follow the instructions provided at @uref{https://kernel.org/category/signatures.html}.
@node Kernel dependencies
@subsection Kernel dependencies
@@ -558,7 +602,7 @@ without UEFI support (or you really want to use BIOS for a reason).
-GRUB BIOS installation
+@anchor{GRUB BIOS installation}GRUB BIOS installation
@@ -568,7 +612,7 @@ grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
@end example
-GRUB UEFI installation
+@anchor{GRUB UEFI installation}GRUB UEFI installation
@@ -645,7 +689,7 @@ This section goes over the details of some packaged software
* Init System:: Configure the init system
-* Display Systems::
+* Wayland:: Maintaining a Wayland display system
@end menu
@node Init System
@@ -677,7 +721,7 @@ Init Hooks
-Kernel Command Line
+@anchor{Kernel Command Line}Kernel Command Line
On GRUB, you can edit the kernel command line parameters, which will be parsed
@@ -703,7 +747,7 @@ Some of these variables, such as @samp{rw=/=ro}, @samp{loglevel}, and @samp{quie
used by the init system to change the behaviour of the startup.
-@samp{/etc/init/rc.conf} file
+@anchor{@samp{/etc/init/rcconf} file}@samp{/etc/init/rc.conf} file
However, the kernel command line isn't the only place to set your boot
@@ -712,7 +756,7 @@ kernel command line always gets the priority for these variables since they can
be set just before boot.
-Init Hooks
+@anchor{Init Hooks}Init Hooks
Init hooks are for custom personal commands that the user may want to add to
@@ -764,7 +808,7 @@ cpt a runit /usr/bin/reboot
-Rebooting after changing init
+@anchor{Rebooting after changing init}Rebooting after changing init
After switching init systems, your running init system may not accept the
@@ -784,29 +828,25 @@ currently running on your system and not the one you are switching to.
@end multitable
@end enumerate
-@node Display Systems
-@section @strong{TODO} Display Systems
-Carbs Linux supports both Xorg and Wayland in the distribution repositories.
-This section serves as a guide to set up your preferred display server. Follow
-the subsection for the display server you want to setup.
-* Wayland::
-@end menu
@node Wayland
-@subsection Wayland
+@section Wayland
+Carbs Linux only supports Wayland displays as of January 2023. If your system
+makes use of the X.org display system, read the section @ref{Switching from Xorg}.
Wayland is a modern display server protocol intended as a replacement for Xorg.
Wayland has a much simpler architecture compared to X by its careful design and
implementation. Users who want to use a Wayland compositor should follow this
-Enabling the Wayland repository
+* Enabling the Wayland repository:: Including the wayland repository in your repository path
+* Switching from Xorg:: Rebuilding system packages for wayland
+* Installing a Compositor:: Getting wayland ready for your system
+@end menu
+@node Enabling the Wayland repository
+@subsection Enabling the Wayland repository
The @samp{wayland} repository requires packages from @samp{xorg} and @samp{extra} repositories.
So you should set your @samp{$CPT_PATH} so that @samp{core} and @samp{extra} repositories
@@ -818,7 +858,6 @@ your repository.
export CPT_PATH
@end example
@@ -829,9 +868,8 @@ After you have enabled your repositories, go ahead and install @samp{wayland} an
cpt-build wayland wayland-protocols
@end example
-Switching from Xorg
+@node Switching from Xorg
+@subsection Switching from Xorg
If you are already an Xorg user, you will need to rebuild some packages so that
they support @samp{wayland}. If you don't have an @samp{xorg} system, feel free to skip
@@ -839,24 +877,27 @@ this step. The packages that need a rebuild are:
-xorg-server (for Xwayland support)
@end itemize
-@strong{TODO} Installing a Compositor
+For xorg support inside wayland sessions, you need to install the @samp{xwayland}
+@node Installing a Compositor
+@subsection Installing a Compositor
The @samp{wayland} repository currently only contains @samp{sway} as a Wayland compositor,
but you can package something else for your own.
-@end enumerate
+cpt bi sway
+@end example
@node Contribution Guidelines
@chapter Contribution Guidelines
@@ -867,6 +908,8 @@ and changes may occur with good reasoning.
* Conventions:: Conventions of the distribution
+* Contributing to the Community repository:: Package maintainership and issue reports
+* Sending Patches:: Code contribution
@end menu
@node Conventions
@@ -969,7 +1012,7 @@ ahead.
@item [@anchor{2020}2020]
Prefer sources without a dependency to @samp{automake}. There
are usually distribution tarballs that are @samp{autoconf}'ed. Don't submit tarballs
-with an automake dependency unless you are @samp{sure} there is no alternative.
+with an automake dependency unless you are @strong{sure} there is no alternative.
@item [@anchor{2030}2030]
Avoid these packages:
@table @asis
@@ -998,7 +1041,10 @@ taken literally, they are meant as examples.
-Make [@anchor{2210}2210]
+@anchor{Make [2210]}Make [2210]
@@ -1009,7 +1055,10 @@ make DESTDIR="$1" PREFIX=/usr install
@end example
-Configure/Make [@anchor{2211}2211]
+@anchor{Configure/Make [2211]}Configure/Make [2211]
@@ -1025,7 +1074,10 @@ make DESTDIR="$1" install
@end example
-Autoconf/Automake [@anchor{2212}2212]
+@anchor{Autoconf/Automake [2212]}Autoconf/Automake [2212]
@@ -1045,16 +1097,22 @@ make DESTDIR="$1" install
@end example
-Meson [@anchor{2220}2220]
+@anchor{Meson [2220]}Meson [2220]
+The distribution provides a @samp{cl-meson} wrapper script which sets some common
+options like installation directories, disables downloading subprojects among
+other things. This is the preferred method for packages.
#!/bin/sh -e
export DESTDIR=$1
-meson \
- --prefix=/usr \
+cl-meson \
-Doption=false \
-Doption2=true \
. output
@@ -1064,7 +1122,10 @@ ninja -C output install
@end example
-Cmake [@anchor{2230}2230]
+@anchor{Cmake [2230]}Cmake [2230]
@@ -1082,7 +1143,10 @@ cmake --install build
@end example
-Go [@anchor{2240}2240]
+@anchor{Go [2240]}Go [2240]
@@ -1096,8 +1160,14 @@ go build
install -Dm755 program "$1/usr/bin/program"
@end example
+@strong{NOTE}: Follow 2242 if you are packaging for non-Community repository.
-Python [@anchor{2241}2241]
+@anchor{Python [2241]}Python [2241]
@@ -1106,8 +1176,147 @@ Python [@anchor{2241}2241]
python setup.py build
python setup.py install --prefix=/usr --root="$1"
@end example
+@anchor{Go (pre-vendored) [2242]}Go (pre-vendored) [2242]
+:ID: d2c828ae-bc56-4183-8830-becbf6a812d1
+If you are a distribution maintainer create and upload vendor tarballs
+so that no internet connection is required during package compilation at all.
+You can use the following template for this case:
+#!/bin/sh -e
+go build -v -mod=vendor
+clinst -Dm755 program "$1/usr/bin/program"
+@end example
@end enumerate
+@node Contributing to the Community repository
+@section Contributing to the Community repository
+The community repository is available for any user to submit packages. However,
+there are certain guidelines that the users are expected to follow before they
+submit packages.
+@table @asis
+@item [@anchor{3000}3000]
+Any submitted package should contain a @samp{meta} file that includes a short
+description of the package, the maintainer's name and email address, and the
+license of the package. Below is an example:
+description: some IRC client with some interesting feature
+license: MIT
+maintainer: Your Name <address@@example.com>
+@end example
+The order of these are not important. However, make sure to use the license
+identifiers as defined by @uref{https://spdx.org/licenses/, SPDX} when listing the license.
+@item [@anchor{3010}3010]
+The user submitting the package is expected to maintain their packages. This
+means that they are keeping the packages up-to-date, and responding to issues
+related to the package.
+@item [@anchor{3020}3020]
+If a maintainer doesn't follow the above expectation for a duration of up to a
+month, their packages will be orphaned and can be adopted by a new maintainer.
+Maintainers can also request that their packages be orphaned. If the orphaned
+packages aren't adopted by a new maintainer in a period of two weeks, these
+packages will be dropped from the repository.
+@item [@anchor{3030}3030]
+Package submissions and updates should be submitted in the form of patches to
+the @uref{https://lists.sr.ht/~carbslinux/carbslinux-devel, ~carbslinux/carbslinux-devel} mailing list. The repository on Github is a
+read-only mirror, and Pull Requests will @strong{NOT} be accepted.
+@item [@anchor{3031}3031]
+Issues regarding community packages should be submitted to the
+@uref{https://lists.sr.ht/~carbslinux/carbslinux-discuss, ~carbslinux/carbslinux-discuss} mailing list. When submitting issues, do not
+forget to add the maintainer as a recipient. You can easily find the maintainer
+information by running @code{cpt-maintainer <pkg>}.
+@end table
+@node Sending Patches
+@section Sending Patches
+* Git Patches::
+* Fossil Patches::
+@end menu
+@node Git Patches
+@subsection Git Patches
+There are multiple ways of sending patches with git. Unfortunately, the most
+popular / official way of doing it requires Perl and some extra Perl libraries
+that are not packaged in the repository. This section tries to list other
+options that are just as useful as @samp{git send-email}.
+@anchor{@samp{git-send-email} with msmtp}@samp{git-send-email} with msmtp
+By default, @samp{git-send-email} uses a Perl SMTP client, but without using it this
+command doesn't actually need extra Perl libraries, only Perl itself. So, if you
+are okay with using Perl, the easiest option is to install the @samp{msmtp} package,
+and change your git configuration to match your msmtp settings.
+To your @samp{~/.gitconfig}, add the following section:
+ smtpserver = /usr/bin/msmtp
+ smtpserveroption = -a
+ smtpserveroption = your-account-name
+@end example
+The @samp{git imap-send} command reads patches in mbox format, and uploads it to your
+imap server as drafts. You can then use your preferred email-client to edit and
+send them. This is the option with no dependencies. Check out the manual page
+@samp{git-imap-send(1)} for more information on setting up.
+@end enumerate
+@node Fossil Patches
+@subsection Fossil Patches
+You can create multiple types of "patches" with Fossil. Unlike the common
+convention in Git, the first two examples here uses uncommitted changes to
+create a patch (although you could very well create patches of committed
+changes). The preferred method is by creating a plaintext patch by doing the
+fossil diff -i > your-changes.patch
+@end example
+You can also create a binary patch:
+fossil patch create your-changes.db
+@end example
+If your patchset is complex, and needs to be splitted in multiple check-ins, you
+can create a Fossil bundle:
+fossil bundle create --from CHECKIN --to CHECKIN2 patchset.bundle
+@end example
+After creating the patches, you can simply send them to the mailing list, or
+upload the patches to the Fossil forum of the relevant repository.
@node GNU Free Documentation License
@appendix GNU Free Documentation License
diff --git a/carbslinux.txt b/carbslinux.txt
index 4ea8415..5fde782 100644
--- a/carbslinux.txt
+++ b/carbslinux.txt
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
- _________________________
+ _________________________
- Cem Keylan
- _________________________
+ Cem Keylan
+ _________________________
Table of Contents
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ _________________
.. 3. System Configuration
..... 1. Configuring hostname
..... 2. Hosts file
+..... 3. Creating a user
.. 4. Kernel
..... 1. Obtaining the kernel sources
..... 2. Kernel dependencies
@@ -39,12 +40,18 @@ _________________
.. 1. Init System
..... 1. Configuring Init
..... 2. Changing Init Program
-.. 2. TODO Display Systems
-..... 1. Wayland
+.. 2. Wayland
+..... 1. Enabling the Wayland repository
+..... 2. Switching from Xorg
+..... 3. Installing a Compositor
4. Contribution Guidelines
.. 1. Conventions
..... 1. Shell Conventions
..... 2. Repository Conventions
+.. 2. Contributing to the Community repository
+.. 3. Sending Patches
+..... 1. Git Patches
+..... 2. Fossil Patches
5. GNU Free Documentation License
@@ -62,7 +69,7 @@ with the info reader. It is divided into sections and easier to read.
1 Copying
- Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Cem Keylan
+ Copyright (c) 2020-2024 Cem Keylan
Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify
this document under the terms of the GNU Free
@@ -97,6 +104,7 @@ with the info reader. It is divided into sections and easier to read.
.. 3. System Configuration
..... 1. Configuring hostname
..... 2. Hosts file
+ ..... 3. Creating a user
.. 4. Kernel
..... 1. Obtaining the kernel sources
..... 2. Kernel dependencies
@@ -159,8 +167,8 @@ with the info reader. It is divided into sections and easier to read.
The signature file should say something similar to
- | untrusted comment: verify with carbslinux-2021.08.pub
- | RWTK4GFDD7JiohUHBeJXuKw+/P3K4ZRR8jQud0iOxNDbn7WCFxQsxt9FUNSEiXfLjkm1Ez8c3esRG8oydrsFUFpBGtekFt5obgo=
+ | untrusted comment: verify with carbslinux-2023.02.pub
+ | RWTe38zmx+iyuKEL5T84MJ5Y24jqenkTtQLJxbaMzOBS/NkGVl5J+Vn2B6vTV/gJK7LYBPS+IOXV5sEf+YLGCMcBYAGHCcP4xQ8=
@@ -172,7 +180,7 @@ with the info reader. It is divided into sections and easier to read.
use that instead.
- | PUBKEY=carbslinux-2021.08.pub
+ | PUBKEY=carbslinux-2023.02.pub
| wget https://dl.carbslinux.org/keys/$PUBKEY
@@ -259,7 +267,7 @@ with the info reader. It is divided into sections and easier to read.
order to obtain it, run the following:
- | rsync -avc rsync://carbslinux.org/repo $HOME/repos/carbs
+ | rsync -avc rsync://vaylin.carbslinux.org/repo $HOME/repos/carbs
@@ -271,7 +279,7 @@ with the info reader. It is divided into sections and easier to read.
| CPT_PATH=$HOME/repos/carbs/core
| CPT_PATH=$CPT_PATH:$HOME/repos/carbs/extra
- | CPT_PATH=$CPT_PATH:$HOME/repos/carbs/xorg
+ | CPT_PATH=$CPT_PATH:$HOME/repos/carbs/wayland
| CPT_PATH=$CPT_PATH:$HOME/repos/carbs/community
| export CPT_PATH
@@ -393,6 +401,37 @@ with the info reader. It is divided into sections and easier to read.
+2.3.3 Creating a user
+ Creating a new user is not strictly necessary, but it is highly
+ recommended. Especially for building packages, it is the safest
+ option to create an unprivileged user and using `doas' for doing
+ operations that require `root' privileges. The code block below
+ describes how to create a user (named `foo'), add them to the wheel
+ group, and to give doas permissions to the wheel group
+ ,----
+ | # Create the new user
+ | adduser foo
+ |
+ | # Add the user to the wheel group
+ | addgroup foo wheel
+ |
+ | # Give root permission to the wheel group using doas
+ | echo permit persist :wheel >> /etc/doas.conf
+ `----
+ You are also advised to take a look at the doas configuration file and
+ the manual page of doas.
+ After you are finished you can switch to the new user by running
+ ,----
+ | su foo
+ `----
2.4 Kernel
@@ -410,17 +449,22 @@ with the info reader. It is divided into sections and easier to read.
You can visit the <https://kernel.org> website to choose a kernel that
you want to install. Though only the latest stable and longterm (LTS)
- versions are supported.
+ versions are supported. Note that kernel releases are quite rapid, and
+ the version below is likely outdated, so don't run it verbatim.
| # Download the kernel and extract it
- | wget https://cdn.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v5.x/linux-5.9.1.tar.xz
- | tar xf linux-5.9.1.tar.xz
+ | wget https://cdn.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v5.x/linux-5.19.4.tar.xz
+ | tar xJf linux-5.19.4.tar.xz
| # Change directory into the kernel sources
- | cd linux-5.9.1
+ | cd linux-5.19.4
+ *NOTE:* If you want to validate the kernel signature, install the
+ `gnupg2' package, and follow the instructions provided at
+ <https://kernel.org/category/signatures.html>.
2.4.2 Kernel dependencies
@@ -504,8 +548,8 @@ with the info reader. It is divided into sections and easier to read.
| cpt b grub && cpt i grub
| grub-install --target=x86_64-efi \
- | --efi-directory=esp \
- | --bootloader-id=CarbsLinux
+ | --efi-directory=esp \
+ | --bootloader-id=CarbsLinux
| grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
@@ -695,17 +739,12 @@ with the info reader. It is divided into sections and easier to read.
shinit/sinit `kill -s INT 1'
-3.2 TODO Display Systems
- Carbs Linux supports both Xorg and Wayland in the distribution
- repositories. This section serves as a guide to set up your preferred
- display server. Follow the subsection for the display server you want
- to setup.
+3.2 Wayland
-3.2.1 Wayland
+ Carbs Linux only supports Wayland displays as of January 2023. If your
+ system makes use of the X.org display system, read the section
+ [Switching from Xorg].
Wayland is a modern display server protocol intended as a replacement
for Xorg. Wayland has a much simpler architecture compared to X by
@@ -713,7 +752,10 @@ with the info reader. It is divided into sections and easier to read.
compositor should follow this section.
-* Enabling the Wayland repository
+[Switching from Xorg] See section 3.2.2
+3.2.1 Enabling the Wayland repository
The `wayland' repository requires packages from `xorg' and `extra'
repositories. So you should set your `$CPT_PATH' so that `core' and
@@ -725,7 +767,6 @@ with the info reader. It is divided into sections and easier to read.
| export CPT_PATH
@@ -737,25 +778,33 @@ with the info reader. It is divided into sections and easier to read.
-* Switching from Xorg
+3.2.2 Switching from Xorg
If you are already an Xorg user, you will need to rebuild some
packages so that they support `wayland'. If you don't have an `xorg'
system, feel free to skip this step. The packages that need a rebuild
- - gtk+3
- - gtk4
- - mesa
- - xorg-server (for Xwayland support)
- - webkit2gtk
+ - `gtk+3'
+ - `gtk4'
+ - `mesa'
+ - `webkit2gtk'
+ For xorg support inside wayland sessions, you need to install the
+ `xwayland' package.
-* TODO Installing a Compositor
+3.2.3 Installing a Compositor
The `wayland' repository currently only contains `sway' as a Wayland
compositor, but you can package something else for your own.
+ ,----
+ | cpt bi sway
+ `----
4 Contribution Guidelines
@@ -842,7 +891,7 @@ with the info reader. It is divided into sections and easier to read.
Prefer sources without a dependency to `automake'. There are
usually distribution tarballs that are `autoconf''ed. Don't
submit tarballs with an automake dependency unless you are
- `sure' there is no alternative.
+ *sure* there is no alternative.
Avoid these packages:
@@ -870,6 +919,9 @@ with the info reader. It is divided into sections and easier to read.
* Make [2210]
| #!/bin/sh -e
@@ -880,6 +932,9 @@ with the info reader. It is divided into sections and easier to read.
* Configure/Make [2211]
| #!/bin/sh -e
@@ -895,6 +950,9 @@ with the info reader. It is divided into sections and easier to read.
* Autoconf/Automake [2212]
| #!/bin/sh -e
@@ -912,13 +970,20 @@ with the info reader. It is divided into sections and easier to read.
* Meson [2220]
+ The distribution provides a `cl-meson' wrapper script which sets some
+ common options like installation directories, disables downloading
+ subprojects among other things. This is the preferred method for
+ packages.
| #!/bin/sh -e
| export DESTDIR=$1
- | meson \
- | --prefix=/usr \
+ | cl-meson \
| -Doption=false \
| -Doption2=true \
| . output
@@ -930,6 +995,9 @@ with the info reader. It is divided into sections and easier to read.
* Cmake [2230]
| #!/bin/sh -e
@@ -947,6 +1015,9 @@ with the info reader. It is divided into sections and easier to read.
* Go [2240]
| #!/bin/sh -e
@@ -958,9 +1029,14 @@ with the info reader. It is divided into sections and easier to read.
| install -Dm755 program "$1/usr/bin/program"
+ *NOTE*: Follow 2242 if you are packaging for non-Community repository.
* Python [2241]
| #!/bin/sh -e
@@ -969,6 +1045,154 @@ with the info reader. It is divided into sections and easier to read.
+* Go (pre-vendored) [2242]
+ :ID: d2c828ae-bc56-4183-8830-becbf6a812d1
+ If you are a distribution maintainer create and upload vendor tarballs
+ so that no internet connection is required during package compilation
+ at all. You can use the following template for this case:
+ ,----
+ | #!/bin/sh -e
+ |
+ | go build -v -mod=vendor
+ | clinst -Dm755 program "$1/usr/bin/program"
+ `----
+4.2 Contributing to the Community repository
+ The community repository is available for any user to submit
+ packages. However, there are certain guidelines that the users are
+ expected to follow before they submit packages.
+ [3000]
+ Any submitted package should contain a `meta' file that includes
+ a short description of the package, the maintainer's name and
+ email address, and the license of the package. Below is an
+ example:
+ ,----
+ | description: some IRC client with some interesting feature
+ | license: MIT
+ | maintainer: Your Name <address@example.com>
+ `----
+ The order of these are not important. However, make sure to use
+ the license identifiers as defined by [SPDX] when listing the
+ license.
+ [3010]
+ The user submitting the package is expected to maintain their
+ packages. This means that they are keeping the packages
+ up-to-date, and responding to issues related to the package.
+ [3020]
+ If a maintainer doesn't follow the above expectation for a
+ duration of up to a month, their packages will be orphaned and
+ can be adopted by a new maintainer. Maintainers can also
+ request that their packages be orphaned. If the orphaned
+ packages aren't adopted by a new maintainer in a period of two
+ weeks, these packages will be dropped from the repository.
+ [3030]
+ Package submissions and updates should be submitted in the form
+ of patches to the [~carbslinux/carbslinux-devel] mailing
+ list. The repository on Github is a read-only mirror, and Pull
+ Requests will *NOT* be accepted.
+ [3031]
+ Issues regarding community packages should be submitted to the
+ [~carbslinux/carbslinux-discuss] mailing list. When submitting
+ issues, do not forget to add the maintainer as a recipient. You
+ can easily find the maintainer information by running
+ `cpt-maintainer <pkg>'.
+[SPDX] <https://spdx.org/licenses/>
+4.3 Sending Patches
+4.3.1 Git Patches
+ There are multiple ways of sending patches with git. Unfortunately,
+ the most popular / official way of doing it requires Perl and some
+ extra Perl libraries that are not packaged in the repository. This
+ section tries to list other options that are just as useful as `git
+ send-email'.
+* `git-send-email' with msmtp
+ By default, `git-send-email' uses a Perl SMTP client, but without
+ using it this command doesn't actually need extra Perl libraries, only
+ Perl itself. So, if you are okay with using Perl, the easiest option
+ is to install the `msmtp' package, and change your git configuration
+ to match your msmtp settings.
+ To your `~/.gitconfig', add the following section:
+ ,----
+ | [sendemail]
+ | smtpserver = /usr/bin/msmtp
+ | smtpserveroption = -a
+ | smtpserveroption = your-account-name
+ `----
+* `git-imap-send'
+ The `git imap-send' command reads patches in mbox format, and uploads
+ it to your imap server as drafts. You can then use your preferred
+ email-client to edit and send them. This is the option with no
+ dependencies. Check out the manual page `git-imap-send(1)' for more
+ information on setting up.
+4.3.2 Fossil Patches
+ You can create multiple types of "patches" with Fossil. Unlike the
+ common convention in Git, the first two examples here uses uncommitted
+ changes to create a patch (although you could very well create patches
+ of committed changes). The preferred method is by creating a plaintext
+ patch by doing the following:
+ ,----
+ | fossil diff -i > your-changes.patch
+ `----
+ You can also create a binary patch:
+ ,----
+ | fossil patch create your-changes.db
+ `----
+ If your patchset is complex, and needs to be splitted in multiple
+ check-ins, you can create a Fossil bundle:
+ ,----
+ | fossil bundle create --from CHECKIN --to CHECKIN2 patchset.bundle
+ `----
+ After creating the patches, you can simply send them to the mailing
+ list, or upload the patches to the Fossil forum of the relevant
+ repository.
5 GNU Free Documentation License
diff --git a/config.mk b/config.mk
index 0c015ae..17bb72c 100644
--- a/config.mk
+++ b/config.mk
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-VERSION = 2021.09
+VERSION = 2024.03
# System and build directories
PREFIX = /usr/local
diff --git a/install.org b/install.org
index 21ba261..59d3acc 100644
--- a/install.org
+++ b/install.org
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-# Created 2021-10-20 Wed 17:22
-#+TITLE: Carbs Linux Installation Guide
-#+AUTHOR: Cem Keylan
+# Created 2024-03-06 Wed 16:19
+#+title: Carbs Linux Installation Guide
+#+author: Cem Keylan
These are the step-by-step instructions for installing Carbs Linux. It can be
acquired as plain-text to be viewed offline with a pager from
@@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ it, if you are using a Carbs Linux host, you can also install the package
The signature file should say something similar to
-: untrusted comment: verify with carbslinux-2021.08.pub
-: RWTK4GFDD7JiohUHBeJXuKw+/P3K4ZRR8jQud0iOxNDbn7WCFxQsxt9FUNSEiXfLjkm1Ez8c3esRG8oydrsFUFpBGtekFt5obgo=
+: untrusted comment: verify with carbslinux-2023.02.pub
+: RWTe38zmx+iyuKEL5T84MJ5Y24jqenkTtQLJxbaMzOBS/NkGVl5J+Vn2B6vTV/gJK7LYBPS+IOXV5sEf+YLGCMcBYAGHCcP4xQ8=
Grab the key (which probably should be the latest one) that is written on the
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ check the validity of the public key from multiple locations, or just copy paste
that portion to a file and use that instead.
#+begin_src sh
- PUBKEY=carbslinux-2021.08.pub
+ PUBKEY=carbslinux-2023.02.pub
wget https://dl.carbslinux.org/keys/$PUBKEY
@@ -77,8 +77,6 @@ If everything went alright, this should output:
Signature Verified
** Extracting the tarball
You will need to extract the tarball to your desired location. For partitioning,
you can follow [[https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Partitioning][this guide]]. This will assume that you will be mounting your root
@@ -130,7 +128,7 @@ Carbs Linux rsync repositories live in rsync://carbslinux.org/repo. In
order to obtain it, run the following:
#+begin_src sh
- rsync -avc rsync://carbslinux.org/repo $HOME/repos/carbs
+ rsync -avc rsync://vaylin.carbslinux.org/repo $HOME/repos/carbs
*** Making the package manager use the repositories
@@ -141,7 +139,7 @@ following lines:
#+begin_src sh
- CPT_PATH=$CPT_PATH:$HOME/repos/carbs/xorg
+ CPT_PATH=$CPT_PATH:$HOME/repos/carbs/wayland
export CPT_PATH
@@ -237,6 +235,33 @@ replace the 'localhost' part of these entries to your hostname.
::1 localhost.localdomain localhost ip6-localhost
+** Creating a user
+Creating a new user is not strictly necessary, but it is highly recommended.
+Especially for building packages, it is the safest option to create an
+unprivileged user and using =doas= for doing operations that require =root=
+privileges. The code block below describes how to create a user (named =foo=),
+add them to the wheel group, and to give doas permissions to the wheel group
+#+begin_src sh
+ # Create the new user
+ adduser foo
+ # Add the user to the wheel group
+ addgroup foo wheel
+ # Give root permission to the wheel group using doas
+ echo permit persist :wheel >> /etc/doas.conf
+You are also advised to take a look at the doas configuration file and the
+manual page of doas.
+After you are finished you can switch to the new user by running
+#+begin_src sh
+ su foo
* Kernel
Kernel isn't managed under the main repositories, even though you could package
one for your personal use. Here is an [[https://github.com/cemkeylan/kiss-repository/tree/master/personal/linux][example kernel package]], which you will
@@ -245,17 +270,21 @@ need to reconfigure for your specific setup if you want to make use of it.
** Obtaining the kernel sources
You can visit the [[https://kernel.org]] website to choose a kernel that you want
to install. Though only the latest stable and longterm (LTS) versions are
+supported. Note that kernel releases are quite rapid, and the version below is
+likely outdated, so don't run it verbatim.
#+begin_src sh
# Download the kernel and extract it
- wget https://cdn.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v5.x/linux-5.9.1.tar.xz
- tar xf linux-5.9.1.tar.xz
+ wget https://cdn.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v5.x/linux-5.19.4.tar.xz
+ tar xJf linux-5.19.4.tar.xz
# Change directory into the kernel sources
- cd linux-5.9.1
+ cd linux-5.19.4
+*NOTE:* If you want to validate the kernel signature, install the =gnupg2=
+package, and follow the instructions provided at [[https://kernel.org/category/signatures.html]].
** Kernel dependencies
In order to compile the kernel you will need to install some dependencies. You
will need =libelf=, and =bison= to compile the kernel. If you want to configure
@@ -315,8 +344,8 @@ without UEFI support (or you really want to use BIOS for a reason).
cpt b grub && cpt i grub
grub-install --target=x86_64-efi \
- --efi-directory=esp \
- --bootloader-id=CarbsLinux
+ --efi-directory=esp \
+ --bootloader-id=CarbsLinux
grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
diff --git a/install.txt b/install.txt
index 0704b7b..00c7109 100644
--- a/install.txt
+++ b/install.txt
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
- ________________________________
+ ________________________________
- Cem Keylan
- ________________________________
+ Cem Keylan
+ ________________________________
These are the step-by-step instructions for installing Carbs Linux. It
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ can be acquired as plain-text to be viewed offline with a pager from
3. System Configuration
.. 1. Configuring hostname
.. 2. Hosts file
+.. 3. Creating a user
4. Kernel
.. 1. Obtaining the kernel sources
.. 2. Kernel dependencies
@@ -94,8 +95,8 @@ can be acquired as plain-text to be viewed offline with a pager from
The signature file should say something similar to
- | untrusted comment: verify with carbslinux-2021.08.pub
- | RWTK4GFDD7JiohUHBeJXuKw+/P3K4ZRR8jQud0iOxNDbn7WCFxQsxt9FUNSEiXfLjkm1Ez8c3esRG8oydrsFUFpBGtekFt5obgo=
+ | untrusted comment: verify with carbslinux-2023.02.pub
+ | RWTe38zmx+iyuKEL5T84MJ5Y24jqenkTtQLJxbaMzOBS/NkGVl5J+Vn2B6vTV/gJK7LYBPS+IOXV5sEf+YLGCMcBYAGHCcP4xQ8=
@@ -107,7 +108,7 @@ can be acquired as plain-text to be viewed offline with a pager from
use that instead.
- | PUBKEY=carbslinux-2021.08.pub
+ | PUBKEY=carbslinux-2023.02.pub
| wget https://dl.carbslinux.org/keys/$PUBKEY
@@ -196,7 +197,7 @@ can be acquired as plain-text to be viewed offline with a pager from
order to obtain it, run the following:
- | rsync -avc rsync://carbslinux.org/repo $HOME/repos/carbs
+ | rsync -avc rsync://vaylin.carbslinux.org/repo $HOME/repos/carbs
@@ -209,7 +210,7 @@ can be acquired as plain-text to be viewed offline with a pager from
| CPT_PATH=$HOME/repos/carbs/core
| CPT_PATH=$CPT_PATH:$HOME/repos/carbs/extra
- | CPT_PATH=$CPT_PATH:$HOME/repos/carbs/xorg
+ | CPT_PATH=$CPT_PATH:$HOME/repos/carbs/wayland
| CPT_PATH=$CPT_PATH:$HOME/repos/carbs/community
| export CPT_PATH
@@ -331,6 +332,37 @@ can be acquired as plain-text to be viewed offline with a pager from
+3.3 Creating a user
+ Creating a new user is not strictly necessary, but it is highly
+ recommended. Especially for building packages, it is the safest
+ option to create an unprivileged user and using `doas' for doing
+ operations that require `root' privileges. The code block below
+ describes how to create a user (named `foo'), add them to the wheel
+ group, and to give doas permissions to the wheel group
+ ,----
+ | # Create the new user
+ | adduser foo
+ |
+ | # Add the user to the wheel group
+ | addgroup foo wheel
+ |
+ | # Give root permission to the wheel group using doas
+ | echo permit persist :wheel >> /etc/doas.conf
+ `----
+ You are also advised to take a look at the doas configuration file and
+ the manual page of doas.
+ After you are finished you can switch to the new user by running
+ ,----
+ | su foo
+ `----
4 Kernel
@@ -348,17 +380,22 @@ can be acquired as plain-text to be viewed offline with a pager from
You can visit the <https://kernel.org> website to choose a kernel that
you want to install. Though only the latest stable and longterm (LTS)
- versions are supported.
+ versions are supported. Note that kernel releases are quite rapid, and
+ the version below is likely outdated, so don't run it verbatim.
| # Download the kernel and extract it
- | wget https://cdn.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v5.x/linux-5.9.1.tar.xz
- | tar xf linux-5.9.1.tar.xz
+ | wget https://cdn.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v5.x/linux-5.19.4.tar.xz
+ | tar xJf linux-5.19.4.tar.xz
| # Change directory into the kernel sources
- | cd linux-5.9.1
+ | cd linux-5.19.4
+ *NOTE:* If you want to validate the kernel signature, install the
+ `gnupg2' package, and follow the instructions provided at
+ <https://kernel.org/category/signatures.html>.
4.2 Kernel dependencies
@@ -444,8 +481,8 @@ can be acquired as plain-text to be viewed offline with a pager from
| cpt b grub && cpt i grub
| grub-install --target=x86_64-efi \
- | --efi-directory=esp \
- | --bootloader-id=CarbsLinux
+ | --efi-directory=esp \
+ | --bootloader-id=CarbsLinux
| grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg