diff options
2 files changed, 274 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/meson.build b/meson.build
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7c1263
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meson.build
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+ 'imv',
+ ['c'],
+ version: '4.1.0',
+ license: 'MIT',
+ meson_version: '>= 0.47',
+ default_options: ['buildtype=debugoptimized', 'c_std=c99'],
+version = '"@0@"'.format(meson.project_version())
+prog_git = find_program('git', required: false)
+if prog_git.found()
+ git_description = run_command([prog_git.path(), 'describe', '--dirty', '--always', '--tags'])
+ if git_description.returncode() == 0
+ version = git_description.stdout().strip()
+ endif
+add_project_arguments('-DIMV_VERSION="@0@"'.format(version), language: 'c')
+add_project_arguments('-D_XOPEN_SOURCE=700', language: 'c')
+cc = meson.get_compiler('c')
+dep_null = dependency('', required: false)
+_windows = get_option('windows')
+if _windows == 'wayland'
+ build_wayland = true
+ build_x11 = false
+ target_single_ws = true
+elif _windows == 'x11'
+ build_wayland = false
+ build_x11 = true
+ target_single_ws = true
+ build_wayland = true
+ build_x11 = true
+ target_single_ws = false
+deps_for_imv = [
+ dependency('pangocairo'),
+ dependency('gl'),
+ dependency('threads'),
+ dependency('xkbcommon'),
+ dependency('icu-io'),
+files_common = files(
+ 'src/binds.c',
+ 'src/bitmap.c',
+ 'src/canvas.c',
+ 'src/commands.c',
+ 'src/console.c',
+ 'src/image.c',
+ 'src/imv.c',
+ 'src/ini.c',
+ 'src/ipc.c',
+ 'src/ipc_common.c',
+ 'src/keyboard.c',
+ 'src/list.c',
+ 'src/log.c',
+ 'src/navigator.c',
+ 'src/source.c',
+ 'src/viewport.c',
+files_imv = files_common + files(
+ 'src/main.c',
+enabled_window_systems = []
+if build_wayland
+ files_wayland = files('src/wl_window.c', 'src/xdg-shell-protocol.c')
+ deps_for_wayland = [
+ dependency('wayland-client'),
+ dependency('wayland-egl'),
+ dependency('egl'),
+ cc.find_library('rt'),
+ ]
+ enabled_window_systems += 'wayland'
+ deps_for_wayland = dep_null
+if build_x11
+ files_x11 = files('src/x11_window.c')
+ deps_for_x11 = [
+ dependency('x11'),
+ dependency('gl'),
+ dependency('glu'),
+ dependency('xcb'),
+ dependency('xkbcommon-x11'),
+ ]
+ enabled_window_systems += 'x11'
+ deps_for_x11 = dep_null
+files_msg = files('src/imv_msg.c', 'src/ipc_common.c')
+enabled_backends = []
+foreach backend : [
+ ['freeimage', 'library', 'freeimage'],
+ ['libtiff', 'library', 'tiff'],
+ ['libpng', 'dependency', 'libpng', []],
+ ['libjpeg', 'dependency', 'libturbojpeg', []],
+ ['librsvg', 'dependency', 'librsvg-2.0', '>= 2.44'],
+ ['libnsgif', 'dependency', 'libnsgif', []],
+ _backend_name = backend[0]
+ _dep_type = backend[1]
+ _dep_name = backend[2]
+ if _dep_type == 'dependency'
+ _dep = dependency(_dep_name, required: get_option(_backend_name), version: backend[3])
+ elif _dep_type == 'library'
+ _dep = cc.find_library(_dep_name, required: get_option(_backend_name))
+ else
+ error('invalid dep type: @0@'.format(_dep_type))
+ endif
+ if _dep.found()
+ deps_for_imv += _dep
+ files_imv += files('src/backend_@0@.c'.format(_backend_name))
+ add_project_arguments('-DIMV_BACKEND_@0@'.format(_backend_name.to_upper()), language: 'c')
+ enabled_backends += _backend_name
+ endif
+ 'imv-msg',
+ [files_common, files('src/imv_msg.c', 'src/dummy_window.c')],
+ dependencies: deps_for_imv,
+ install: true,
+ install_dir: get_option('bindir'),
+foreach ws : ['wayland', 'x11']
+ if get_variable('build_' + ws)
+ executable(
+ target_single_ws ? 'imv' : 'imv-@0@'.format(ws),
+ [get_variable('files_' + ws), files_imv],
+ dependencies: [deps_for_imv, get_variable('deps_for_' + ws)],
+ install: true,
+ install_dir: get_option('bindir'),
+ )
+ endif
+if not target_single_ws
+ install_data(
+ files('files/imv'),
+ install_dir: get_option('bindir'),
+ install_mode: 'rwxr-xr-x',
+ )
+ files('files/imv.desktop'),
+ install_dir: '@0@/applications'.format(get_option('datadir')),
+ install_mode: 'rw-r--r--',
+ files('files/imv_config'),
+ install_dir: get_option('sysconfdir'),
+ install_mode: 'rw-r--r--',
+dep_cmocka = dependency('cmocka')
+foreach test : ['list', 'navigator']
+ test(
+ 'test_@0@'.format(test),
+ executable(
+ 'test_@0@'.format(test),
+ [files('test/@0@.c'.format(test), 'src/dummy_window.c'), files_common],
+ include_directories: include_directories('src'),
+ dependencies: [deps_for_imv, dep_cmocka],
+ )
+ )
+prog_a2x = find_program('a2x')
+foreach man : [
+ [1, 'imv'],
+ [1, 'imv-msg'],
+ [5, 'imv'],
+ _section = man[0]
+ _topic = man[1]
+ custom_target(
+ '@0@(@1@)'.format(_topic, _section),
+ input: 'doc/@0@.@1@.txt'.format(_topic, _section),
+ output: '@0@.@1@'.format(_topic, _section),
+ command: [
+ prog_a2x,
+ '--no-xmllint',
+ '--doctype', 'manpage',
+ '--format', 'manpage',
+ '--destination-dir', meson.current_build_dir(),
+ '@INPUT@'
+ ],
+ install: true,
+ install_dir: '@0@/man@1@'.format(get_option('mandir'), _section)
+ )
++ 'Building imv @0@\n\n'.format(meson.project_version())
++ 'Window systems enabled:\n- ' + '\n- '.join(enabled_window_systems) + '\n\n'
++ 'Backends enabled:\n- ' + '\n- '.join(enabled_backends) + '\n'
diff --git a/meson_options.txt b/meson_options.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..18159dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meson_options.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+# all - Build both, determine which to use at runtime
+# wayland - Only provide Wayland support
+# x11 - Only provide X11 support
+ type : 'combo',
+ value : 'all',
+ choices : ['all', 'wayland', 'x11'],
+ description : 'window system to use'
+# Available backends:
+# FreeImage http://freeimage.sourceforge.net
+# depends: libjpeg, openexr, openjpeg2, libwebp, libraw, jxrlib
+# license: FIPL v1.0
+ type : 'feature',
+ description : 'provides: png, jpg, animated gif, raw, psd, bmp, tiff, webp, etc.'
+# libtiff
+# depends: libjpeg zlib xz zstd
+# license: MIT
+ type : 'feature',
+ description : 'provides: tiff'
+# libpng http://www.libpng.org/pub/png/libpng.html
+# depends: zlib
+# license: libpng license
+ type : 'feature',
+ description : 'provides: png'
+# libjpeg-turbo https://libjpeg-turbo.org/
+# depends: none
+# license: modified bsd
+ type : 'feature',
+ description : 'provides: jpeg'
+# librsvg https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/LibRsvg
+# depends: gdk-pixbuf2 pango libcroco
+# license: LGPL
+ type : 'feature',
+ description : 'provides: svg'
+# libnsgif https://www.netsurf-browser.org/projects/libnsgif/
+# depends: none
+# license: MIT
+ type : 'feature',
+ description : 'provides: animated gif'